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We are recruiting for new hosts to join our Sharing Circle Hosting team!

User Profile: Lou73
Lou73 January 3rd, 2024


Sharing Circle is a 24/7 room, which means a lot of effort goes into keeping it running smoothly and we always need more hands on deck! We have a variety of roles for you to get involved with, whether you like to visit Sharing Circle a couple of times a month or every day.

On-Spot Host

On-Spot Host is the most flexible Sharing Circle role. Our On-Spot Hosts visit the room, and if there is no host on the schedule for that time they step in to host the session. There are plenty of opportunities to jump in and help out! This role is open to listeners and members who have attended at least 5 hosted Sharing Circles. To host a session, please fill out our quick Training Guide which takes you through all the hosting essentials!

Assigned Host

An assigned host signs up for one or more weekly sessions. Regular hosting will allow you to develop your skills as a host and create a supportive environment for participants. Our regular hosts give our members continuity and familiarity and after hosting regularly and showing lasting commitment, you will be awarded a Community Leader badge!
We understand that commitment can be difficult to work around your offline time but we can make it as flexible as needed. We will provide training, support and check-ins This role is open to listeners and members. Click
 here to apply. 

We are also looking to recruit a Project Agent(s) for our Teen Circles (must be ATL). 

If you have questions about any of these roles feel free to post them here or message @Lou73 

User Profile: Suryansh
Suryansh January 4th, 2024


Thank you for making this great post, Lou! I recommend everyone interested in hosting sessions in group rooms and gaining experience to apply for Sharing Circle Host. Way to go, team! 💜

1 reply
User Profile: Lou73
Lou73 OP January 4th, 2024
@Suryansh You're very welcome Suryansh 😊
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User Profile: Lou73
Lou73 OP February 16th, 2024

We have lots of available slots for hosting Sharing Circles. If you're unsure or have any questions, feel free to send me a message. I'm also available to mentor new hosts for your first few sessions 😊


User Profile: CalmRosebud
CalmRosebud February 17th, 2024



Illustration by Sylvia Bastos.

This is such a great opportunity for people who would like to make the Group Support experience worthwhile for all the people who enter the groups.

Honestly, my belief in Sharing Circles as a possible avenue for people making your own lives better is so strong, especially since reading the ancient roots of Circles such as this, where people take turns, and each person, even the quiet ones, gets an opportunity to state our piece.

There is nothing quite as valuable as a good Facilitator or Host however! Without someone facilitating, the Sharing Circle can fall into disarray, or people don't know whose turn is next, and so on. Facilitators/Hosts are really important to making Sharing Circles run smoothly!

I used to love hosting, and I still do.

As a person who is also participating here as a Member, I can say that having a Facilitator makes a difference.

Every single one of you who steps up makes a difference.

If you like the Sharing Circles, and you've felt how it has made a difference in your own life, please consider taking this training and becoming a Facilitator/Host.

It can be very rewarding. Here are some rewards I have experienced as a Facilitator/Host:

1. Cheers (always nice)

2. Knowing "my" people are doing better day by day. Someone will enter a Sharing Circle at complete loose ends, and then, day by day, they share, and one can almost sense the calmness descend, because they have had the chance to say their side of the story!

3. Lou is a great Leader. They respond to messages. They are truly sympathetic and just plain "nice." You could not ask for a better Leader of this group.

4. Peers are So Awesome. I have learned so much from my Peer Facilitators/Hosts. They constantly have affirming ideas, tips and ways to host that may be purely individual, but that each meet the needs of the group. Each person who has Ever Facilitated of Hosted has a Special Place in my Heart. Because you Care.

5. You Care enough to "give back." Perhaps you yourself have been helped by a Sharing Circle. And, now you "feel better." Maybe then, consider "giving back" by facilitating or hosting a session. 

Thank you Lou for posting this, and I do hope some people rise up to your invitation and you get lots more participation.

We love you! We need you! Sharing Circles need you to survive.

Love and Courage,


1 reply
User Profile: Lou73
Lou73 OP February 17th, 2024
@CalmRosebud Thank you for your lovely words Rose 🥰 and for sharing your experiences and wisdom and passion for Sharing Circles! It really does take a team to make it work! 
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User Profile: Lou73
Lou73 OP May 29th, 2024

We are always looking for new hosts to help facilitating the Sharing Circle room. Details above! 
