Getting to Know Our Mods: Game by Koul
Anne's responses:
1) Soup OR 2) Salad: Salad
1) Salt OR 2) Pepper: Salt
1) Curry OR 2) Gravy: Curry
1) Horror OR 2) Fantasy: Fantasy
1) Fish OR 2) Beef: Fish
1) Small Hands OR 2) Big Feet: Small Hands
1) Wet OR 2) Dry: Dry
1) Sunup OR 2) Sundown: Sundown
1) Itchy OR 2) Scratchy: Itchy
1) Veggies OR 2) Fruit: Veggies
1) Light Side OR 2) Dark Side: Light Side
1) DC OR 2) Marvel: Marvel
1) Left OR 2) Right: Left
1) Best OR 2) Worst: Best
1) Butter OR 2) Margarine: Butter
1) Socks OR 2) Bare Feet: Socks
1) Books OR 2) Phone: Books
1) Early OR 2) Late: Late
1) Sweet OR 2) Sour: Sweet
1) Hearts OR 2) Growth Path: Hearts
😮 @koulentis cool game!
@CommunityModAnne Thanks for sharing this, with the community.
Mod Eden's responses:
1) Soup OR 2) Salad: Salad
1) Salt OR 2) Pepper: Pepper
1) Curry OR 2) Gravy: Gravy
1) Horror OR 2) Fantasy: Horror
1) Fish OR 2) Beef: Fish
1) Small Hands OR 2) Big Feet: Small Hands
1) Wet OR 2) Dry: Dry
1) Sunup OR 2) Sundown: Sundown
1) Itchy OR 2) Scratchy: Scratchy
1) Veggies OR 2) Fruit: Fruit
1) Light Side OR 2) Dark Side: Dark Side
1) DC OR 2) Marvel: DC
1) Left OR 2) Right: Left
1) Best OR 2) Worst Best
1) Butter OR 2) Margarine: Butter
1) Socks OR 2) Bare Feet: Socks
1) Books OR 2) Phone: Books
1) Early OR 2) Late: Late
1) Sweet OR 2) Sour: Sour
1) Hearts OR 2) Growth Path: Growth Path
Koul \(^-^)/ I'm looking forward to coming mod Charlie 🍯👼🏻 and Aaron 👻 replies
Mod Alex responses:
1) Soup OR 2) Salad: Salad
1) Salt OR 2) Pepper: Pepper
1) Curry OR 2) Gravy: Curry
1) Horror OR 2) Fantasy: Horror
1) Fish OR 2) Beef: Fish
1) Small Hands OR 2) Big Feet: ?
1) Wet OR 2) Dry: Dry
1) Sunup OR 2) Sundown: Sunup
1) Itchy OR 2) Scratchy: None
1) Veggies OR 2) Fruit: Fruit
1) Light Side OR 2) Dark Side: Light
1) DC OR 2) Marvel: None
1) Left OR 2) Right: Right
1) Best OR 2) Worst: Best
1) Butter OR 2) Margarine: Butter
1) Socks OR 2) Bare Feet: Bare Feet
1) Books OR 2) Phone: Phone
1) Early OR 2) Late: Early
1) Sweet OR 2) Sour: Sour
1) Hearts OR 2) Growth Path: Growth Path
Mod Elliot responses:
1) Soup OR 2) Salad: Soup
1) Salt OR 2) Pepper: Both
1) Curry OR 2) Gravy: Both
1) Horror OR 2) Fantasy: Fantasy
1) Fish OR 2) Beef: Beef
1) Small Hands OR 2) Big Feet: Whaaa?
1) Wet OR 2) Dry: Uh?
1) Sunup OR 2) Sundown: Mid-Day!
1) Itchy OR 2) Scratchy: Arent they the same?
1) Veggies OR 2) Fruit: Chicken!
1) Light Side OR 2) Dark Side: Dawn
1) DC OR 2) Marvel: Marvel
1) Left OR 2) Right: Straight
1) Best OR 2) Worst: Mediocre
1) Butter OR 2) Margarine: None
1) Socks OR 2) Bare Feet: Socks
1) Books OR 2) Phone: Phone
1) Early OR 2) Late: On Time
1) Sweet OR 2) Sour: Both
1) Hearts OR 2) Growth Path: Eh?
aahhh this is so fun!