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7 Cups Huddles: Sign Up as a Facilitator for our first Teen Closed Group!

SoulfullyAButterfly August 31st, 2022

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After the successful end of our trial run of closed groups called Huddles, we are ready to start working on season 2 of the 7 Cups Huddles project. We have used our first experience to work on finalizing the best structure and other aspects of these closed groups. This season will mark our very first Teen Huddle group.

Research indicates that recurring group meet-ups - where the same participants meet up regularly to chat about common issues/interests for 8 weeks - can be helpful for mental health. Our users and facilitators agree - and now, you can also join this project not as a leader gaining experience, but as another Huddler (Huddles participant) forming closer connections!

What are Huddles?

A Huddle is a closed group where the same participants meet up to provide continuous support and social connection to each other over multiple weeks.

Goals for a Huddle

  • Feel less alone and more supported

  • Explore issues in more depth

  • Learn from other participants

  • Receive consistently high-quality listening support

Structure of a Huddle

A huddle will have 10 members and a facilitator as well as a co-facilitator. Different huddles will meet at different times and days for 8 weeks. Each huddle session will focus on one topic and last for 60 minutes. There will be one Huddle closed-group session per week, but all users and facilitators will have a private forum space to stay connected.

Our initial 6 huddle groups included the following topics: Relationship Support, Anxiety Support, and Mindfulness Support.

The Role of a Facilitator

An effective facilitator promotes group discussions, interaction, sharing, and exploration. Discussions are powerful and helpful mechanisms for active learning, recognizing patterns, various challenges, and ways to tackle them. Group chats facilitate the exploration of new ideas while getting comfortable acknowledging, valuing, and embracing everyone’s thoughts and contributions.

Facilitators are not expected to be experts in the chosen topic or to be behavior coaches. The primary role of a facilitator is to ensure a safe and open environment for participants to interact and explore a shared topic.

The Role of a Co-Facilitator

Co-Facilitators share the role of a facilitator and can be viewed as an additional support leader in the group. When 2 leaders lead a closed group, they can support one another as well as provide efficient support to the group.

Who Can Be a Facilitator/Co-Facilitator

Are you interested in leading a huddle and fostering powerful discussions and interactions? The facilitator role might interest you if you:

  • Have an idea for a Huddle group that can benefit from being run as a closed group for better support and other benefits.

  • Are able to fully commit to being responsible for leading the group for 8 weeks - this is important because the group flow will depend on your presence as the facilitator.

  • Have experience with the topic you select and are interested in supporting others with their experiences regarding the topics.

  • Are interested in being part of members’ journey of self-exploration and growth.

  • Are dedicated to ensuring a safe, therapeutic space by ensuring an inclusive environment for all participants (Training/Guidelines will be provided).

How to Sign Up as a Facilitator

We encourage you to apply for this key role if you:

  • Are a Verified Listener, OR Adult-Teen Listener

  • Have already been a Group Support Leader at 7 Cups - including group moderators, room supporters, and Sharing Circle hosts, OR

  • Academy Graduate, OR

  • Peer Supporter

Please note that being able to commit to being present as a leader for 8 weeks and having some experience or passion for the support topic are important factors to keep in mind too!

Recommended Time Slots for Huddles

While will consider your personal availability, we encourage you to run your Huddle groups during these times which are recommended due to interested users’ availability. All of these times are in the Eastern Daylight Timezone (EDT - New York)

  • Mondays from 9 AM - 12 PM

  • Mondays from 3 - 9 PM

  • Wednesdays from 6 - 9 PM

  • Fridays from 9 AM - 12 PM

  • Fridays from 9 PM - 12 AM

Huddle Topic

Since we are only launching only one teen closed group for this round, the topic is Student Life and will involve coping with school and more subtopics. We will be collaborating on finalizing weekly overviews and session agendas in advance before the official launch of the group.

Benefits of Being a Facilitator

As mentioned above, facilitators can be a guiding force towards fostering positive, therapeutic discussions. The structure of a huddle makes it easy to amplify your efforts - you can reach many members at the same time. And you will be supported by your fellow facilitator and the group’s members too.

Other benefits include:

  • Get a Certificate to acknowledge your efforts which you can attach to your resume as a unique volunteering effort.

  • Get to work closely with 7 Cups community admins and develop your leadership skills.

Interested? Fill out the sign-up form here.

Note: We are looking forward to having these Huddles launched during September. Please ensure your availability before sending in your application.

innateJoy9602 September 1st, 2022



Huddles sound very lovely!

Also, YAY for season two!

Congrats to the team for the hard work.

Appreciate what you do for the community! 💛✨