Lost my aunt and grandmother in less than a month and a half time frame. Learning how to get through each day and work like everything is normal which it is not. I feel angry some days and others I break down and cry at my desk, can't take time off of work to get myself together and feeling resentful over that. Work should not be more important than my mental health and being there for my family. But if I lose my job then I lose my home and everything else I have worked for. If they could just give me a week without making me work from home that would help and I can have the time I need with my family. Could not even attend my grandmothers funeral because I could not take the time off to fly out of state there. And all right before the holidays. I will be looking for a new job after the holidays are over. Plus my health insurance sucks with them too can't even go see a specialist with the coinsurance costs being so high. More reason to leave this place.
Hello, I hear your struggle loud and clear and I'm sending strength and well wishes. I hope the new year has a bright new start for you! Take a few slowww deeep breaths and focus on the task at hand and above all - Self-Care, it's so important to find the balance right now. You've got this!~ Tag me any time!~
Blessings, Day
@blueOcean6753 I am really sorry to hear about your aunt and grandmother passing. Dealing with losing loved ones around the same time must have been so hard for you. You are right that at such times we need time and space to be able to grieve, that is such a basic human need. It is difficult to focus on work when we are overwhelmed with emotions of losing someone. I wish that your workplace placed emphasis on an employee's mental health needs. But I am glad that you are trying towards getting a different job which will treat your needs better.