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Coming upto 3rd year angelversary

ghettosmurf April 4th

next month will be the 3rd angelversary for my son isiah.. year 1 was all shock, year 2 was all acceptance and leading up to year 3 is all sorts of mixed emotions.. some of the emotions nearly as intense as the beginning days.. Isiah was a hit and run victim in my hometown he was on his way home (walking) and he was struck by a truck and left to die.. to this day ten driver and truck haven’t been discovered.. its been a journey that’s for sure.. not a journey I wanted to take at all.. my life had to be recreated, I had to be recreated to find a new normal.. luckily though some days I’m able to forget well not forget but my brain has allowed me to dissociate sometimes which is a blessing or I’d crumble.. I’ve never been this vulnerable before.. I’ve lost many loved ones in my life but nothing compares to watching a casket close on your son and the sand fill the hole where the casket lays.. some days I relive the night isiah died, some days I relive the funeral not by choice.. if only I could completely control these images in my brain and the thoughts

Kristynsmama April 5th


I am so very sorry to hear about the tragic loss of Isaiah.  Indeed losing a child is like no other loss.  No one can possibly understand unless they have been there.  And sadly, I too have lost a child.  It was many years ago and my heart has healed significantly, but that pain never really goes away.  You are in the very early stages of your grief although it probably feels like it’s been an eternity.  And everything that you are experiencing is normal.  I probably spent the first 5 years in shock and denial and just existing.  Be gentle with yourself and allow the emotions to surface when they need to. It’s ok to feel whatever you need to feel.

ghettosmurf OP April 5th

I’m sorry for your loss..

thank you for your words.. I can’t wait for the days where it’s brighter even though I do see some brightness and enjoy outside just not ready to be out as much as I used to be