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Hard grief

User Profile: SeekForgiveness730
SeekForgiveness730 September 6th, 2024

I have had many losses in my life. My grandparents, my dad. Recently I’ve lost a cousin around my age. 

I’m just feeling so overwhelmed with emotions and I’ve been crying for the last month. 

I’m overwhelmed with sadness. 

It’s triggering my depression. Sometimes I just want to scream.

User Profile: juliak1968
juliak1968 September 9th, 2024



When my daughter committed s****** I needed therapy and one of my therapist had me read a book by Frankl something, you google Logo Therapy to find it. So I read the book and it was so extremely sad and hopeless that it made me realize other people have it just as bad if not far worse. that's called "Logo therapy". Deep down it helped me gain a perspective, I guess I needed, to be able to get back my healthy perspective. Life is for the living and the people that pass on would want us to be happy and prosper. Time heals these things, so give yourself time to grieve and work through it and you will adapt new coping tools. Try several Listeners on 7cups to help you find healthy ways to grieve. Tag me if you want to chat.

Take good care!

Blessings, Day

User Profile: juliak1968
juliak1968 September 9th, 2024


I just found this:

Logotherapy was developed by neurologist and psychiatrist Viktor Frankl and is based on the premise that the primary motivational force of an individual is to find a meaning in life

2 replies
User Profile: SeekForgiveness730
SeekForgiveness730 OP September 20th, 2024

@juliak1968 thanks. I will look into this. I have read Frankl’s Mans search for Meaning. I appreciate your post. I am grateful for your response.

1 reply
User Profile: juliak1968
juliak1968 September 21st, 2024



I hope your meeting some of the nice people who Listen. This site really helps me be consistent and grounded. I hope you are feeling better today :-)

Blessings, Day

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