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Positive Motivation.

User Profile: KACOSMIC
KACOSMIC April 24th, 2022

Are you looking for positive motivations to get rid of negative reactions?

Let's see how this can be cultivated in daily life. One way is to be concerned about your own Health and well-being and your support system, after all this is a universal law to seek balance. If this motivation is not found, it means that the person is playing some game with himself... It means an internal conflict that demands expression. If you really aspire to self-improvement in a truly human way, in other words, if there is full cognition of the purpose of existence, the exact dedication of yourself to self-improvement.

Now we need to adopt some rules to help quell negative reactions to selfish behavior. For example: There are certain criteria to define how selfish or altruistic everyday choices are. These rules are exclusively embedded in a person's conscience... Therefore, nobody observes you or forces you to do something. On the one hand: - if the absorption of negative activity is accumulated, the individual himself has to find within himself the need for self-improvement. In this way, responsibility is built in such a way.

Looking for positive motivations… How are they found? Many spiritual doctrines and religions have told us for many centuries about LOVE as the key to our spiritual growth. But we still have to choose daily between good and evil. Having difficulty is sometimes not easy. But say! We use Love as a non-negotiable basis for all our interaction with the world, people, animals, thoughts, etc. sharing everything we have, joy, splendid thoughts, feelings, information, interests, good humor, thus increasing the life power of others) This means always being active in our best manifestations.

Our human rationality is the ability to find the most effective decisions. In other words, the ability to find correct decisions to consider and act sensibly. So! Positive versus negative feedback. There is a difference between the two, so the positive answer will enact change, and the negative answer will reduce the change.

Starting by training yourself to have an optimistic mindset, eliminating negative phrases like, "I can't, I give up or I'm useless" or something like that.

Try to remember only positive events from the past to reinforce positive results for the future... Even using a smile or laugh facial expression is a great mechanism to use. Remember, you are not a victim, but a winner. So watch your thoughts as they become words, so watch your words as they become actions, then actions will lead to habits, which in turn will become your character, and so your character will become your destiny. Positive thinking promotes relief from stress, doubts, questions like “what if?” or anxious reactions or behaviors.

It promotes hope and well-being, takes us to the positive side of things, converts critical thinking into beneficial thoughts. Negative thinking always looks at what could go wrong and only sees one point of view.

Therefore, the positive person is an optimist and the negative person is a pessimist. Biologically. Optimism releases serotonin in the brain, the happiness hormone that improves brain and body health, and lowers cortisol levels (a negative hormone…which leads to slower brain function and even the development of depression, mood swings). mood and even bipolar chemical imbalances… So, for example, cortisol is the “dark side” of the brain… and serotonin is the “bright side”.

Wishing all positive thoughts happy.

User Profile: Sunisshiningandsoareyou
Sunisshiningandsoareyou April 24th, 2022

Hey @KACOSMIC, been a while since I've seen you around, I hope you're doing well and parenthood is treating you nicely. ❤

This is another super encouraging post, thankyou for instilling the power of positivity in us.

1 reply
User Profile: KACOSMIC
KACOSMIC OP April 24th, 2022


Hey there, thank you .❤️

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