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GoldenLight07 October 3rd, 2022

Tonight, I accidentally opened up my notes section in 7 cups and saw one notes in it. Now, let's venture *:p* into it, shall we?

Date: Unknown

Title: About Gratitude

"Gratitude helps us become happier and healthier. Three times a week write the date and 1-3 things you are thankful for. Simple as that!"


Now, the notes may end there but the messages it hold go a longer~~ way!☘️ Honestly, I don't remember writing this - assuming it must have been monthss ago since I wrote it. And I also don't remember whether those are words I read from somewhere or I was just trying to *test* the notes section or it is a personal goal/reminder for my own self at the particular time of myself writing it. But what I know for sure, those words has come to me at almost the very perfect time. Like a phrase we often heard said, just the right words at the right time.

Now, now, that's just some personal thoughts and perhaps self-reflections from reading the notes a.k.a some *short* advertisement :p Okay, not wasting another more time, let's list 3 things that we are gratitude for today❤ I will start first!

3 Things I Am Gratitude For Today❤

  1. I am grateful that I am able to have a long conversation about a lot of different random things with my sister xD and perhaps some *good* :p debates with her as well! *i will miss this someday, for sure
  2. I am able to spend more times with my mother today❤ - A lovely gentle soul she is! Hopefully I can grow more and be an adult just like her *someday*
  3. For all the delicious foods I ate today😄 - all seems like a great amount but honestly I ate a little compared to usually but I am full haha and I am grateful for the foods regardless of the amount and taste actually, just still wanting to *higlight* that today personally, I ate my favourite foods🍪😄

☘️If you like and willing, with an open hand, I welcome you to share 3 things you are grateful for too, today!☘️

Today personally was not the very best day for me, but after reading the notes and writing this out, I somehow feel that the day is a bit more manageable for me because with all chaos of minds as well as chaos life hitting me - when you breathe for a seconds, there are at least 3 things (it's okay if it's less❤, as long as we tried - that's good enough) we are able to be grateful for and makes the ~rough sailing~ much more bearable! Someday, it is just harder to stay be gratitude and positive *at least from me, in my perspective* (and that totally okay too and understandable), but being able to show a little of gratitude during that time, I think that's really matter and help us grow. It kind of help us realize that we are not all define according to our struggles we faced.

To anyone who might come across this and read this until the very end, *hugs* for you and I am sending beam of light and loves to you. That you are given strength to face whatever the struggles you are facing right now, or whatever the negative thoughts that overfilled and overwhelmed your mind. And lastly, this is something I say often to myself - "You are loveable (I checked on dictionary again after a while and discover that this means attractive:p but I usually use it to say that - You are worthy to be loved! You deserved of all the loves you received. And you valuable human) and precious". Adios! ❤

GoldenLight07 OP October 3rd, 2022
Oh, the pink words I wrote might be a bit smaller in size now that I realized it again after posting. If it is a bit harder to read it, please feel free to edit it out anytime😊
GoldenLight07 OP October 3rd, 2022

Rereading it makes me noticed all my grammar mistakes and have the urge to rewrite it again😀🤡 But hey, hmm, let's embrace the mistakes shall we *:')*. As long as the messages is received :p and I am able to let my thoughts out using this medium~

Sunisshiningandsoareyou October 3rd, 2022

@GoldenLight07 Exactly, expression is more important here, and I'm super proud of you always, Light. Light beams, love and lots of hugs your way! ❤

ambitioushope1234 October 3rd, 2022

thanks for the poste.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou October 3rd, 2022


This is such a comforting read, really loved it from start till end, and have been smiling throughout. Thankyou for taking the time to express your thoughts, and how you're feeling. Practicing gratitude is indeed quite amazing, and I'm so happy you were able to recollect some great things despite the day being not so good overall.❤

I call this "catching the rainbow end of things", it's when someone tries their best to see the rainbow despite the clouds blurring their vision, and it is truly a remarkably inspiring mindset to have.🌈

I love what you said hehe, and should remind you as well, *you* *are* *so* *loved* and *lovable* too *always*.❤

millipede03 October 7th, 2022

I grateful for my pets my friend and 7 cups

ThadSterling October 8th, 2022


Ugh, I had written a huge response to this T_T then I don't know what happened but the entire thing disappeared. *cries*

3 good things, (and thanks for the hug btw because I did read all of it, and glad I'm not the only one who shares a lot and rewards ppl for enduring the long post! big hugs and love beams right back at you.)

1. (much shorter this time cuz I can't write all that again...) I quit cigarettes this week and today was a struggle but I went almost the whole day with no nicotine after a rough week and ended up smoking half a cig but *deep breath* THAT'S OKAY. Why? Because despite it being a struggle and despite not feeling strong, I AM strong, and each day I've come closer and closer to an entire day without nicotine.

2. I did 20 minutes of yoga today. Why? Because I pushed myself to do so and knew it would help with my depression and my cravings.

3. My hours got changed to 36 hours a week at work. Why? Because I called in sick. I actually dreaded this but it was a blessing in disguise, and I am glad it's still 36. I still get my bonus each week, in fact, my paychecks should end up bigger as long as I can hit the 36 each week. My boss is a very good guy which is part of why. This is a good thing. He could have just written me up, or he could have been a jerk about it, or even just been some sort of way and made me feel bad. He didn't and I know part of it is because I'm honest. It is not easy to say "I am calling in sick because nicotine withdrawal and allergies triggered depression and now I am not up to it." But at least I'm honest and authentic. Bonus: he told me in the future on a bad day, to come on in and clock in but tell him right away and he'll send me home so I don't lose any more hours.

Now...that still ended up pretty long so, here's a reward: all my internets if you read all this, and if you are OP extra hugs and love beams, and thanks for this post. <3

Sunisshiningandsoareyou October 16th, 2022

@ThadSterling hugs-love.gif

GoldenLight07 OP October 26th, 2022


Hello hello~ It's been a while, I am really sorry it took a lot of time for me to reply to this..T.T Also, I would like to express my gratitude to you for reading all my words kindly and replying to them compassionately. <3

I feel really glad to read all of the things you are grateful for. I just want to say you are a strong and courageous person! And I am really glad to read that the work hours have been a blessing in disguise. It must have felt like some burden was lifted from you, is it? <3 I am really glad to read that it went well and your boss was being really understanding.

I realized it's kinda nice to express gratitude to others and also to read other's people gratitude. Despite all the other hardships we face.., it makes me warm to read this, to realize that there is at least something that we are able to feel gratitude for each day, even those small things. It radiates so much positivity, warms, and somehow gives me a sense of peace.. Thank you so much for writing this to me so kindly again T.T I hope you know how grateful I am that you shared this here with me. I really really hope October has been treating you well and hope you are doing good, and even if you not , it's okay right, we will come back stronger, slowly but eventually. ^^ And last but not least gladly received the *extra hugs* and *love beams* and sending it back to you again lots and lots of it!! <3

SoulfullyAButterfly October 26th, 2022

@GoldenLight07 thanks for sharing! I always love reading about the power of the pen

Love how you also felt like this find was magical even though its been a long time since you penned these notes.