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User Profile: Lemontime20
Lemontime20 September 1st, 2015


I have been reading alot of posts on here of people who are discouraged by failure. It seems natural. No matter what part of the world you have been raised in, it seems that the message you are taught growing up is that failure is not acceptable. If you failed it means you are less, unworthy, not up to par. So when people fail they feel ashamed and start the cycle of negative self talk. Things like I am worthless, I always mess up, I am no good, why do I even try, its useless and so on. However if you just step back from this childhood lesson and simply observe the world you will discover that there is an entirely different truth about failure. If you read interviews, articles, and quotes from some of the people who have achieved greatly and achieved the most you will find that they all share a common sentiment. They all look at failure as a stepping stone to success and not as something to fear or recoil from. In fact you will find that people who have achieved unthinkably have also failed unthinkably. They have failed again and again and again. They got up again and again and again. This is the only thing that counts. This getting up. Rome wasn't built in a day. If you expect a happy, flourishing, successful life don't expect it to be built in a day. You have to build brick by brick. You have to make the attempts and put in the work.

​"Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts." -Winston Churchill

User Profile: heartsNcupcakes
heartsNcupcakes September 1st, 2015

What an enlightening and inspirational post. Thank you for sharing this with us. It is truly a pleasure to have people like you on the site. Never give up <3 ~

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User Profile: Lemontime20
Lemontime20 OP September 1st, 2015

Thank you so much!

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User Profile: AdVictoriam
AdVictoriam September 1st, 2015

My favorite quote about success is: "I will succeed. Not immediately but definitely."

It's okay to fail 99 times in order to succeed on the 100th time :)

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User Profile: Lemontime20
Lemontime20 OP September 1st, 2015

Yep I have on many many occasions repeated both quotes to myself :)

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User Profile: Angel112233
Angel112233 September 1st, 2015

Failure, is staying down and not picking yourself back up on the journey that you have been trying to reach for the longer...

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User Profile: Lemontime20
Lemontime20 OP September 2nd, 2015

So true!

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