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Awareness: Why I don’t believe that consciousness is the only reality

littleGrapes4242 October 26th, 2022

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There is a school of thought that consciousness is the only reality in the LOA community. This concept focuses on the power of awareness, and control of your thoughts and subconscious beliefs. This can be defined by: Self Observation, Aim/Clarity & Detachment. This short essay seeks to explore all three themes.

To study LOA or consciousness, there needs to be a key element of self-observation. This is the observation of ones own actions and reactions to the phenomena of life, in summary of the concept of self-observation essentially the reactions of a person in the outer world, show where they are in their inner-world. This brings me to the paradoxical second point, prior to studying LOA I had a rich inner imaginative world and a less keen observant world. Since studying LOA I now have a balanced world inside and outside, as ironically, continuing to check your thoughts and beliefs detracts from living in your imagination. Living in your imagination is the key belief of all LOA material as it presupposes that living in your head leads to outward changes.

The second phenomena is your Aim/Clarity. To define yourself and your goal that you are working towards, your reactions to circumstances contrary to what you are aiming for, show you where you truly reside mentally. My problem with this, is the sometimes triggering outer circumstances, that LOA tells people they have created themselves and that the only way to overcome it is through self mastery. This puts the blame on persons who may possibly be victims of their circumstances. Furthermore, this attitude directly benefits the most powerful in society, by telling the less powerful that their circumstances are of their own making and need to be altered solely by themself.

Detachment is also encouraged from, what is described to be the blessings and curses of life. Especially detachment to the very circumstances/goals one is trying to create. This can create psychosis and an array of mental illnesses, as one is shifting between living in their imagination, checking their reactions, and detaching from the very imagination and reactions, so that they are not consistently checking their circumstances.

October 26th, 2022

@littleGrapes4242 True enough! It’s an insidious con that is repackaged and sold in so many get rich quick books, self improvement books, and some religions too. The con says, if the life you want, or the results you want are not present, it’s your fault for not believing enough. So what does one do to manifest the belief that they are lacking, believe it into existence? Shut their eyes even tighter and strain and clench their gut and really really really really believe this time? No, they go buy another book, a very different looking, different sounding repackaging of the same lie.

The truth. There is a consciousness in you. There is a reality outside of you. There is a hard boundary between those two things. The con man knows we all want to be super beings and control the world with our thoughts. It would be cool right? Well, maybe. You all wouldn’t me manifesting reality on one of my cranky days.

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