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Celebrating and Honoring Johnny20's First 7 cups Anniversary!!

Letmehelpyou210 June 26th, 2015

@Johnny20.. Here?s something for you on your 1st Anniversary here on 7 cups!

Before beginning to write about it, I?d first like to thank my dear super duper close friend @SariannaMoon for bringing in this idea, being so helpful all the time, motivating and cheering me up!! As always, Sara you are an angel filled with bright ideas and I love you to the moon and back heart... Without your idea, this post would have never ever happened! You the best babe!!heart

Johnny Johnny!!!... From where to I begin to talk about you??

You have been there for me in the thick and thin irrespective of whether you are busy with work or not! Three words:- You Are AMAZING! Your desire to help people around you crosses the level of infinity! (Like seriously, it does)!! I?ve only known you since March (That?s when I joined) .. But in such a small time, I am so grateful to know someone as awe-inspiring like you! You have been a true friend, brother, guider and a listener who has at all times been there for me. If I had to write an essay on how wonderful you are Johnny, I?d be falling short of words!!! Just remember, you are one of the closest people I have on here, and I trust you and love you for everything you do here. I am sure in the last one year you have been here on 7 cups, you have deeply nourished life?s of various people on here.. On behalf of everyone whom you have affected in a positive way (I know the count is tooo many to remember),THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR EVERYTHING YOU DO JOHNNY, WE ALL LOVE YOU, RESPECT YOU AND WANT THE BEST FOR YOU!!!heartlaughyes

Here are a few words from some of our lovely listeners who took out their precious time to write down for you (All of you, yes ALLL? You guys ROCK!)?and I am sorry, if I wasn?t able to reach a few people, but please feel free pen down your wishes and messages over here (: (: ?

Let?s begin! (Take a deep breath, Johnny, the list is super long) ..

@SariannaMoon - When I first joined here the first person that seemed to welcome me in the door was Johnny. He has been a great friend. He knows this site very well and hes always helpful in everything. But most of all hes a kind and sweet guy who has a great heart and always wants to help everyone. He is a pillar of this community and embodies what this site is about. Caring, compassionate people, being selfless and trying to make the world just feel a little better. We all value you, your work and your dedication here. I really admire you. Happy Anniversary Johnny!

@WheelsofConfusion - Good work, champ!

@AdVictorium - *Almost* as cool as Riley...but like, come on, I'm Riley!!
Luv ya!

@braveNight89 - HAAAIIIII *hugs* Since I joined this site you have been an amazing friend not only to me but to everyone around! we are so so soooooo happy to have you here :) I don't think 7cups would be how it is if it wasn't for the time you dedicated to helping out :) you are such a wonderful listener Johnny I really hope that whatever you wish for you receive :) Congratulations on your 1st anniversary on 7cups <3 and thank you for being you! YOU ARE AWESOME <3 I love you and hope you have a wonderful day :)

@ishan94 - Jhonny.
Its good to have u as a litener at 7 Cups. you have been doing a great job here. I hope u had great memories from 7 cups and i wish u to have many more beautiful memories in the coming time. lots of love and hugs. i wish u luck with ur 2nd year. have a great time !! best wishes

@IsaacFromEngland - Thank you for being with us, and giving your time and support for a whole year! We all appreciate it and look forward to seeing you around for another year to come! X

@ShadyG - 'Ayyyyy Johnny!

I still remember when i first saw you in the listener community room after i turned 18 and got transferred to the adult section. I was a bit scared in a good way, you were such a confident and spoke very majestically, and i was a bit unsure if i should engage with you in a conversation, but in time i learn you actually the most comfortable person there is to talk to on 7 cups, even tho we are not that much in contact, i do feel you pretense very strongly when you're in the room, and it's a very Majestic presence!

Happy 7 cups Anniversary!!!!! :D!!!!!

@HopefulTree78 - Heya Johnny! I have met you often, and am glad to know you buddy. Dude you do a great job despite all the hate you get...keep it up mate. cheers.

@Dhara94 - Johnny! πŸ’–It is such a delight to see you in the chatroom. A lively,jolly,friendly,funny,an amazing soul who manages to light up the room solely with his presence!Congratulations for completing 12 glorious months in here. Really happy that you came on 7cups and hope to celebrate a couple more years of having you here!! Stay awesome like you always are and Kudos to you✨

@smileitswhit - Happy 1 year Johnny! Thank you for always being there, and supporting me. You was one of the first people that helped make me finally feel at home at 7cups after being on the account for 2 months. I love you to death. Thanks for being a great friend, and pasting me stuff and saving me in the group chatrooms. hugsssss (>'.')>

@Cristen - Happy 1st Anniversary on 7cups Johnny! Thanks for all the hard work and for being a good listener! Glad to have you here man!

@Acinonyx - Hiya, Johnny! Congratulations on being here for a year! We really just can't get rid of you, huh? I just wanted to say how awesome it is that you're here, and how much I appreciate what you do in the support rooms! It's always really nice to see your name in the "Currently Participating" list and see you work your magic! Thanks for dedicating your time to 7 Cups and to all the people you've supported and interacted with! I hope your next year is just as good as this one has been!

@Ritu - Hey John-ny! Happy 1st Anniversary on 7 Cups. I'm glad we met and I'm really very grateful for all the times you've helped me! Thanks a ton! You're amazing ! <3<3<3

@Mercedez - Jhonny,

Its a complete blessing and honor to celebrate this moment with you . Thank you so much for all you have done to reach out to others . Im so proud of you :) xo

@happysoulalways - First of all congratulations for completing one year at 7cups. It is amazing to have a person like you in the community. I shall thank you for your help and guidance through my stuggle as a new listener. Keep up with the work, you are an asset to this community.

@Nazeera - Hi Johnny ^^ I don't know you for a very long time but i can safely say that you are an amazing person and listener. You care about others so much, just remember to take care of yourself too! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY LOVE. 7cups is very lucky to have you! I love you Johnny ^^

@ApoorvaKhatri - Johnny, Johnny, are you tired ? I have always loved your presence here and happy anniversary to you for being on 7 cups. Keep smiling and keep spreading happiness

@TheDeaningOfLife - Always great seeing you around in the chat rooms, always kind and helpful. Here's to another year!

@QuickJazz - When we first got to know each other a little, we would share music ~particularly Seu Jorge's~ and I always enjoyed that connection. Blessed with your warmth and sunshine, 7 Cups has had the pleasure of enjoying your company on this website for one whole year now! I hope it's been a good year for you, and that you party hard today!! Happy anniversary on 7 Cups, ray of sunshine.

@xoflyy - Johnnyyyyyyy! My beautiful friend. :) congratulations on completing your 1 year at 7 cups! That's awesome. This community values the work you do greatly and it wouldn't be the same without you. Always remember we love you and appreciate you! Looooove you!

@Minionator - hey Johnny... wishing you a very happy cuppa-versary... its been 7 months since i joined and got to know you... and i must say,, its been fun and honor to have known you as a human,, as a listener and as a peer supporter... take care my friend.. may you be blessed with all the happiness and joy and good luck

@Vixiana- Congratulations and thank you for being one of the people that make this world a better place! Here's to hoping for many more 7cups Anniversaries to come! :)

@Katheryn - Hi Johnny! Thanks so much for all of your hard work and dedication over the last year! I can't believe it's your one year anniversary! You always have such a kind and amazing presence in the chatrooms! Happy one year!

@Michaelmichael - Happy Johnnyversary! A whole year of Johnny is something to celebrate for sure. Thanks so much for being such a superhero here!

@Resolve - HBD. Get well soon.

@SailorAna - Congratulations and thank you for all the hard work you do here, Johnny!
Your efforts here help people, and that is not a small thing to on a daily basis!! I have also seen you moderate on the member's rooms, and I want to aknowledge what a good mod you are.

I hope this all brings a smile to your face, and that you can recognize your own hard work and also congratulate yourself.

Big hug!!

@MizMickey - Johnny, aka "Sugar"- congrats on achieving a year! You are a BOSS! *hug*

@SwordsandPens - Meu amor! I am so happy that you joined this site. I have gotten to know one of the best people on this site a.k.a YOU!!! You are my best friend, and one I care so much about. You are always in the rooms to cheer me up and support me, and for that I deeply thank you. You are so wonderful and a great asset to this site and to many of our lives. I would feel odd if you weren't here, and I hope you stay forever. You do amazing things here, and I can only see you continuing doing that. You have grown so much since you first started, and that is amazing to see. Thanks for being in my life, and can't wait to continue on this journey with you! πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—

@Belle_ - Johnny, congratulations on your 7 cups anniversary! I'm so honoured to have met you and to share this journey with you. Stay awesome Johnny!

@RebeccaH - Happy Anniversary Johnnycakes!!!! How do you spell Johnny? J-O-H-N-N-Y! That's how you spell Johnny!

@shris87 - Johnny, voc/span> era o ouvinte mais amel e mais il que eu tinha encontrado como um membro. Assim como um membro, eu s/span> quero dizer obrigado por ser t carinhoso, gentil e solidia.
* colocao do chap do meu ouvinte em *, voc/span> tamb /span> o ouvinte mais simpica que conheci na sala de bate-papo do grupo. Voc/span> est/span> sempre t acolhedor para todos e eu sinceramente apreciamos o seu apoio e bondade. Muitos muitos parabs e os melhores votos para o seu crescimento em seu papel aqui como um ouvinte e mais importante como uma pessoa maravilhosa.

estamos t sorte de ter voc/span> aqui como um ouvinte. Estou ainda mais sorte de ter voc/span> como um amigo. Parabs novamente para tornlo um ano j/span> que /span> quase como 20 anos fora da internet. Ent, agora voc/span> est/span> um pouco mais velho, amigo: P

Voc/span> /span> linda. Voc/span> /span> linda.
Voc/span> /span> linda, /span> verdade.

Sim, eu posso digitar portugu: P com uma pequena ajuda do meu amigo Google Tradutor.

@windnbreezy - Johnny. You stuck around for the long haul. Its so awesome to see you. Always. You are smart and funny show me that amazing people can come from South America. I hope too keep chatting with you. It makes my day.

@Agrish - Hey Johnny! Congrats on one year of dedicated service to 7cups. You're one of the very few people who were here when I joined the site and are still active. And its always nice to see you around. Thanks to all you've done. Stay awesome!

@xray - Johnny was a bro to me when I needed one, that time when I was having an issue. He's a cool guy and I think he should be rightfully celebrated as a long-term member of the 7cups community.

@PrincessParker - Congratulations on your first 7 cups anniversary! I am so proud of all the work you have done and will continue to do. You are so amazing to everyone around you. I'm so glad to be able to call you my friend. I wish you all the best in listening. Keep up the good work, friend. I LUUFFFS YAAA TO PIECES

@Lynnie - Johnny congratulations on your cupaversary! :D You're now 1 year in 7 Cups years <3

@Paula02 - Parabens Johnny, meu brother!!!

@TurquoiseTree - Johnny thanks for being at 7 Cups for a year and helping to make it the awesome and welcoming place that it is. You always seem to brighten up a chatroom or discussion. Your mix of humour, good sense and humility is infectious, disarming and makes us all feel we are in good company. Hope you stick around for many more years! :D

@RocketsMom - You are an amazingly supportive person. Any time I've been in the listener chat room when you are, you have greeted me and made me feel welcome. You promote inclusion and an overall sense of community. Thank you so much for your dedication to our members/guests, fellow listeners, and the community as a whole! Happy anniversary!!

@SunshineSilhouette96 - Congrats on your one year, Johnny! You make the LSR such a joyful place to be. You're always so supportive and I'm really glad I got to know you!

@Prans - Johnny, we're thankful for your pretty face and your electric soul. Happy one year ^^

@Tamilan- Happy Anniversary man!! Keep going. Good luck : )

@CoffeeTeaAndHonesty - -Breaks out in song-


But really, congrats on being here for one year! x]

@MisterGreenEyes - Happy anniversary Johnny!! :)

@Humein -Congratulations on your one year, Johnny! :) It's been a pleasure knowing you, and stay awesome, mah brazillian brudda! And here's to many more good years. :) Much love.

@QP -

Happy anniversary Johnny! It has indeed been a pleasant experience talking to you in the rooms. Keep up the good work you do!

I hope you realize how absolutely valued you are and how greatly we adore and love you!! Stay Awesome Johnny!!.. and yes.. I forgot to mention.. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!

P.S .. I would like to thank @Minionator for being so helpful and spreading out the word to some of the lovely listeners.. and thank you to everyone who took their time and wrote a msg heresmileysmiley

Love you all!!! *Love and Hugs*

alfonsojon1997 June 26th, 2015

Happy one-year here! It's been nice meeting you, and you better not quit!wink

xoflyy June 26th, 2015

YAY!!! CONGRATULATIONS! *throws glitter and confetti* Lets have cake now ^_^

Sky14 June 26th, 2015

Congrats Johnny!! Long live.heart

Eme June 26th, 2015

Yayyyyy Johnny!

SariannaMoon June 26th, 2015

Thanks to all that made comments in honor of Johnny20 and a big THANK YOU to the amazing Letmehelpyou210 for, well everything. lol. Speech Johnny, speech! :P

June 26th, 2015

Lovely to see all the messages together, aww! laughCongratulations again, Johnny, yaaay!yesheart

Flourish June 26th, 2015

Happy 1 year anniversary Johnny!

Flourish June 26th, 2015

@Johnny20- You are welcome :)

Amelia June 26th, 2015

Happy anniversary @Johnny20! You are a great role model and your presence here is amazing. Also, thanks to those who spent time putting this thread together! It is wonderful you put in this amount of work to recognize someone who truly deserves it, Johnny!

Letmehelpyou210 OP June 26th, 2015

"Cheers your rock" ...ain't that bad either LOLcheekycheekycheeky

Cadence June 26th, 2015

@Johnny20 - a.k.a Johnnylicious (I still can't think of any other nickname; this one still makes me giggle tons). Happy 1-year, man! You're awesome! <3

Mysteriousoul June 26th, 2015

That's heartwarming all these messages! Glad to see all the love and happiness present!

Congrats Johnny20!

MissZ June 26th, 2015

@Johnny20: Johnny Johnny Johnny! Has it been a year already! Congratulations! I am so l am so glad that I know you, you are always eager to help, I love modding the group support rooms with you, you are witty, smart and always full of love to give! You are an awesome asset to the 7 Cups community! *throws glitter around* Congratulations!

Daeron June 26th, 2015

Happy anniversary Johnny, you are doing a GREAT job. Always helpful to everyone, keep up the good work, man! Everyone is glad to have you here, hope you'll stay here forever. Cheers!

Lilylistens June 26th, 2015

Johnny, Congratulations on your anniversary here! Cheers!yessmiley

JustinRarrr June 27th, 2015

Johnny, you're a cool guy. Glad you're on the site. :) Happy anniversary

DistrictK June 27th, 2015

Happy anniversary Johnny <3

Much love :)

samc95xc August 2nd, 2015