Milestones or Steps Completed! Share and Celebrate Here :)
Congratulations! You made it to the next level on your growth path. Share with us the #1 thing you learned on this leg of your journey!
I learned that there are more people who are messed up than you and that talking to people (anonymously) takes a load of stress off your back.
How am I gettinggrowth steps so fast.
This is getting crazy now, I myust have no life.
life is hard but not hard enough to beat you down
i don't even know the purpose of my own life...
I learned that not everybody thinks the same way about what you should be doing with your life and that's okay!
If you ask what is my favorite part of the life, I will say mystery. You have to live the present because future is mystery.
i have to be more patient! even when it seems like i've been waiting for eternity... i haven't
I may be making progress, but I still feel quite confused.
In which we all struggle, sink and stop. But also, in which we all learn and laugh and live. Thank you, whoever is reading this, for being you. Maybe we all need to change sometimes. But in the end, we are who we are, goods and bads and changes included, and life can learn to deal with you, with all of us. Have a good day, strength appears in the oddest places. Huehue. < 3
It is shame some listeners forget they are also humans. Rules should be a point of reference, not a force belt
Never mind one week gone