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1st Real Post


Inspired By Chiron Last's Work

A Reflection on Chiron: The Path of Healing Through Service

If I may offer a reflection, for everyone’s consideration: Listeners and Members

There is a truth hidden in plain sight, one that many overlook in their search for meaning, peace, and healing. It is a truth the ancients knew well and Chiron, the wounded healer, embodied fully. Chiron, though immortal, was not spared suffering. In fact, it was his suffering that became the catalyst for his greatest purpose. His wisdom did not emerge from avoiding pain, but from embracing it. More importantly, Chiron’s journey revealed a secret most forget in their darkest hours: the way to heal oneself is by helping others.

When we are wrapped in loneliness, or lost in the depths of depression, the ego would have us believe we are isolated, cut off, trapped in our suffering. But the ego lies. It draws us inward, convincing us that healing is something we must pursue alone, in silence, in the dark corners of our mind. Yet, Chiron teaches us otherwise. He shows us that healing is not found in isolation—it is found through connection. The very act of reaching out, of serving others, of doing the work, is what begins to heal the wound.

Think about it. What happens when a stagnant river begins to flow? The water clears, becomes fresh, and the land around it thrives. In much the same way, when we allow our energy, our effort, our love to flow outward, we create a space for healing within ourselves. It is not by accident that Chiron became the greatest healer of myth. His own wound, unhealed as it was, became the source of his strength to help others. In helping them, his pain found purpose, and his suffering became his offering.

Too often, those who suffer become fixated on the idea of finding their own healing first. They believe that until they are whole, they cannot give. But this is the trap of the mind, the deception of the ego. True healing begins the moment we stop focusing solely on ourselves and instead turn our attention to those around us. You see, helping others is not a distraction from our own healing—it is the very essence of it. In each act of service, in each small gesture of kindness, we are pulling ourselves out of the pit of isolation and stepping onto the bridge of connection.

Chiron did not wait until his wound was healed to begin his work. He did not sit in sorrow, hoping for relief before sharing his gifts. No—he gave freely, even in the midst of his pain, and it was in this giving that he found his purpose. The truth is, the more we give, the more we receive. This is not just spiritual rhetoric; it is a law of the universe, as unshakable as gravity. The energy you expend helping another finds its way back to you, often in ways you least expect.

But let me be clear—helping others does not mean you abandon yourself. It is not about martyrdom or losing yourself in the needs of others. No, it is about balance. Chiron understood that while he healed others, he was also tending to his own spirit. His work was not separate from his healing—they were one and the same. When you help others, you are not just offering them something; you are reflecting back to yourself your own capacity for healing, for love, for transformation.

In Chiron’s teachings, there is a parable about a student who sought wisdom, believing that by meditating and praying in solitude, he would ascend to some higher truth. But the master, seeing this, gave him a single task—go, and help your neighbor. The student resisted at first, thinking the work of helping others was beneath the spiritual heights he sought. But when he finally set aside his pride and began to serve, he found that the very connection he had been seeking was in the hearts of those he helped. His spiritual journey was never about retreating into himself, but about engaging with the world, lifting others up, and in turn, lifting himself.

Depression, loneliness, and pain convince us to look inward, to curl up and wait for the storm to pass. But Chiron’s wisdom shows us the opposite: the way out of the storm is by walking through it, and the way through it is found in helping others to walk as well. Every time we lift someone, we are also lifting ourselves. Every time we tend to another’s wound, we are tending to our own. This is the secret Chiron teaches, a truth the ego does not want us to see.

And it is not about grand gestures. It’s the small, quiet acts of service that have the most profound impact. A word of encouragement. A helping hand. A simple acknowledgment of another’s struggle. These things ripple outward, touching lives in ways you cannot begin to measure. And with each ripple, the healing returns to you, often in ways you do not expect.

The work is what heals us. Not just our own inner work, but the work we do for others. Chiron knew this. He knew that by helping others, we step into the flow of life, we cross the bridge. We cannot sit idly on that bridge, waiting for the healing to come. We must walk it, and in walking it, we find that the very act of helping others is the key to healing ourselves.

So, if you are struggling, if you feel lost, if you are wounded—do not wait until you are healed to begin your work. Start now. Help someone else. Lift them up, and in doing so, you will lift yourself. Follow no one, for no one has all the answers, but help everyone, for in doing so, you will find that the answers you seek are already within you. They are waiting to be unlocked, not by contemplation alone, but by action, by service, by giving of yourself.

Chiron, the wounded healer, did not heal his wound by retreating. He healed through his work, through the lives he touched. And so will you.

The bridge is not meant to be a resting place. It is meant to be crossed, and the crossing happens through service, through helping others. Do the work, and you will find that healing comes as a byproduct, naturally, effortlessly, because helping others is the work.

Pick up your sword and share your light to those trapped in the darkness of the mind so that they may free themselves and do for others what you have done for them.