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what is causing this

whyme11 December 28th, 2014

I was thinking about something , because I was on a different site earlier that has nothing to do with depression and one topic was about depression. What things may be causing so many people to be struggling like this? It doesnt seem lkie it stops there, so many people are much more angry and hatedul towards each other. Does anybody have any theories on this?

warmBeauty42 December 29th, 2014

Social media has cause a lot of hate and drama. It's the leading source to bullying. Cyber bullying has become a much more broad topic. The internet is a place where you can be anonomyous, which gives a greater opportunity for people to be more hateful or open then they would face to face. My theory is that it's easier to talk about personal feelings online than in person. There are places like this to talk because people can hide their identity and feel safe and secure knowing they can share with us what's going on.

easyTortoise20 December 29th, 2014

I completely agree. I think possibly its the holidays, or maybe people feel that because they are on 7 cups, they can only discuss problems, and not happy thoughts. Maybe folks feel as though they need to have a problem in order for others to want to listen. Just a thoought.