What is going on with my head?
I have copied and pasted most of this from my chat, it's too long to write all over again!
Well I have anxiety and depression. I started taking anti-depressants in November last year, so I have gone from [medication 1]which was increased and then changed to [medication 2], which was increased a few times and then to [medication 3] to which I had a negative reaction (though I feel like I had a negative reaction to all. [medication 1] made me so catatonic that I couldn't speak and had to take it at night, [medication 2] made my anxiety very bad, [medication 3] made my anxiety even worse). I have been off [medication 3] for two weeks and my brain zaps are a lot better after spending a couple of weeks in bed doing nothing. My psychiatrist prescribed me [medication 4] going from [dose] to [dose], and when that didn't work [medication 5], going from [dose] to [dose] a day.
Just the past few days I have noticed myself become very manic. Despite having quite a high dose of [medication 5] over the day my mind is racing so fast that I can't even keep up, I had painkillers as well earlier for other conditions (fibromyalgia) which helped me sleep. I ended up going to bed at 6-7pm and waking up at 2am, and since then I have been so hyperactive that I can't sleep or anything. I can't keep track of my thoughts and I can't relax, it is so overwhelming.
I just don't know what is wrong with me and I don't know how to stop it. I just want to feel normal.
[edited by Anomalia to remove medication specifics]
@Georgiarain - I'm sorry that you didn't receive a response back when you posted this. How have things been since htis? Were you able to find a medication with your doctor that was effective without as many side effects? WIshing you well!