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LikeDreamingBackwards June 29th, 2018

[This thread was submitted to be a featured thread by the general support community. If you have a thread you'd like to be featured, please submit it here!]

Whats one thing you wish neurotypicals (people with no mental health issues) understood?

My answer: that just because I can physically do something doesnt mean Im emotionally ready to do it

Imogene July 24th, 2018


People who have mental illnesses aren't trying to pretend that they do just for attention surprise I think that's one of the saddest things!

jennysunrise8 March 25th, 2019

@LikeDreamingBackwards that each person is a unique individual and to not expect them to have the same manifestation of their illness or reactions and results to any kind of treatment compared to any other individual or to invalidate their reality if it doesnt meet preconceived expectations

purpleButterfly24 March 25th, 2019

That my mental illness is just as valid as any physical illness. When I am struggling I am not 'lazy', 'useless' or 'choosing to be miserable', I am ill.

And that there is no miracle cure for my illness. Just because I take medication and go to therapy doesn't necessarily mean that I'm not still struggling and clinging on by the skin of my teeth. It takes work - constant, hard work - for me to stay in recovery. Everyday I wake up and fight for my life. Just because it is a fight that you cannot see doesn't make it any less valid.

Favor2020 March 26th, 2019

Wow, well said my friend and I hope and pray that people might understand your post about the ups and downs of mental health.@purpleButterfly24