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Share your mental health protip!

User Profile: NavySodium
NavySodium March 22nd, 2016

What is a protip? It is a tip intended to convert a novice to an expert. These go beyond normal tips or advice and move into the realm of changing your life!

This thread is for sharing protips on how to live a happier, healthier, fuller life.

You can give your protip then elaborate further if you want!

Here's mine to start us off!

Protip: When someone says "I'm sorry" to you for something they've done, instead of saying "It's ok", it's better to say "I forgive you".

When you say to a person "It's ok" after they've hurt you and apologized, you don't really mean it. It wasn't ok for them to hurt you or do whatever made them feel they had to apologize. They know it's not okay, you know it's not okay, so instead of saying something you don't mean which can lead to similar incidents occuring in the future, it's better to say "I forgive you".

Have fun guys! Can't wait to hear all your protips!

User Profile: ladylazarus1971
ladylazarus1971 March 22nd, 2016

Hi everyone! Please remember that YOU are your own best advocate for what is best for you. And in order to be your own best supporter, you need information about what is going on with you. Only YOU know how you really feel, so don't forget to listen to yourself as well as others who may or may not have your best interests in mind. To that end, here is my "protip" today....

Whatever your mental health concern is, from Depression to PTSD, from Anxiety to BPD; GET EDUCATED!

Read medical journals, psychology textbooks, and reputable internet sources (and by reputable I don't mean just anything floating around on the web-- if the writer of the info is not an expert in the field, they can provide damaging false info). Go to seminars, support groups, and social events for folks in the same boat as you are. Ask a trusted therapist, psychiatrist, psychologist, or counsellor for additional information or suggested sources where you can find out for yourself what you want or need to know.

This is your life, your health, your happiness at stake! Be smart and strong for you!