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On disability for depression for the past 7 years.

Oak4945 March 4th, 2015

I've been on disability for mostly depression and OCD for the past 7 years, since I was 24 years old. NowI am 31 years old.At age 24, I didn't work or volunteer at all. Age ages 25-27,I volunteered and went back to college part time to finish my degree. At age 27 I got a part time job (in my state of the US, I am allowed to make up to a low amount of money on disability). So I've been working from ages 27-31 at 2-3 minimum wage paying jobs. I just put in my 2 weeks notice to my minimum wage job because I can't take it anymore. My last day with that job is in about a week. I want to start volunteering somewhere.

So today I had an interview to volunteer with children at a day care center. The interview lasted 10 minutes. They asked me 3 questions. One of them was, why do you want to work here? I said because I wanted to gain experience with children to get a new job with children. I should have said I wanted to make a goo difference in the childrens'lives or something else.Then at the end of the interview, they said that they have enough volunteers and they are not taking anyone as of now.

I'm so sad. I can't even get a volunteering job.

Oak4945 OP March 4th, 2015

I'm sorry........I posted this in the wrong forum. So I put the same exact post in the right forum. Here is the link in the Depression forum.

Oak4945 OP March 4th, 2015

If you have a reply to this topic, please use the link above to respond to it.

Sorry for the confusion.