Being honest??
First time poster ☺
I was wondering if anyone had any tips when it comes to seeing a dr and being completely honest with what is happening for you? I awlays plan on being completely honest and up front with where I am at, but never follow through. I will breeze over everythingwith a smile on my face or completely shut down. I do this in every day life as a way of coping but can't switch it off when I need to. I play everything down so I seem only mildly distressed but in reality, I feel like I am dying inside. I have tried writing it down to kind of prompt myself, but i don't stick to it.
Hit me with your suggestions please :)
I totally agree with the idea of writing your concerns down. I've often wimped out and glossed over what I *really* should have been clear about with my doc. I've not tried this next option, but if you have anyone you trust to use an advocate, perhaps that person could come with you to not let you "conveniently forget" to mention symptoms you may feel weird about bringing up to your doc, and support you emotionally in this incredibly challenging step. Or, that person might be able to write a note to your doc and seal it in an envelope, either sending it previous to your appt. or for you to bring with you. But that step is kind of hard to deal with if you have any trust issues.
Good luck, sugar!!
Personally I always take some notes with me