Thoughts, lately
Over last couple days
I cant seem to stop thinking about my mother's affair.
Its so weird to say the word "affair"
I like someone and one of the greatest fears when you care about someone is if you are being cheated on. And here i am daughter of a cheater. I cant let anyone know about this fact. Its gonna make me look so bad.
I think about the fact that my dad could have literally done anything to prevent this.
Or maybe thats not true. Maybe even if my dad was perfect this was unavoidable.
Idk whats reality
Its bugging me.
Its not my place to tell anyone about this. Its not MY SECRET.
Its bugging me tho, i cant stop thinking about it
Maybe im deflecting. Not looking at me or my flaws. Focusing on her. I have billion flaws to fix.
your moms life is not your own.... parents are people too. we do not see often how other peoples relationships actually are. we see fake pretend things are OK ... only when something like this happens do we even question it.
You might not understand and kids seem to take sides without knowing what happened... most people who cross that line it did not just happen but do when marriage is not working ... i have been on both sides of issue was cheated on and i have stood at the line to cross to cheat myself ... i have not crossed it but i understand better then ever how these things happen.
long term marriages go on auto-pilot some make no effort in connecting just assume all is OK ..... think the same thing we did years ago still applies ... nope. people grow and change partners can grow apart many stay in an empty no connection marriage for family sake ... then something like this happens and kids question everything and if marriage/ relationships work etc.
when people are literally alone with their partner........ and someone else has interest in them wants to talk/ makes the person feel attractive / wanted and appreciated. Makes them feel alive again it is like looking at the greener grass on the other side of a fence.
Want to feel safe in your future relationships do check ins do not fake it speak up about how your needs are not being met. It is hard the reason may be different then anything you may have thought of ... if you are brave to ask you might find out more then you want to and then you might question what you thought was a good relationship between parents.