Project Forty-Five
It's that time of year again! An end approaches, as does a new beginning. We all like to dream big when a new beginning rears it's head, and new year's is the time when everyone resolves to quit this or do that...but did you know that less than 85% of people actually take their resolutions to the end of January? This year, let's get serious about making 2016 the new start we've been waiting for!
What is Project Forty-Five?
Project Forty-Five is about making it through the forty-five day hurdle; the average amount of time it takes the brain to forge a new "default" neural pathway. Because the brain is still operating on the old wiring as it's default, the first forty-five days is generally the biggest challenge people face when trying to initiate new habits or behaviours. In order to beat the January slump, I'd like to offer anyone who is interested free goal coaching and accountability. While there is already a wonderful thread in place above to pair off for meeting goals, I offer Project Forty-Five as an alternative for people who want that extra edge to start 2016 off right.
In order to get you off on the right foot, I'd love to set up a 15-30 minute coaching session with you to clarify your SMART goals (and no, I don't mean you have to train your goals in astrophysics :P!) SMART goals stand for:
During your first check in, we will hammer out the SMART details of your goal and make an action plan for how you can make the first forty-five days easier with implementation and avoiding backslides.
The second thing we will do is set up a plan of attack for when slip ups do occur. It's inevitable, and they are one of the most common reasons why people give up. One or two slip ups does not a failure make unless you throw the baby out with the bath water and give up (an all too common reaction). If you do have a slip up, it's important for you to know that if you've already got 25 days under your belt, that doesn't get completely discounted! You don't have to start from scratch or from day 1! For 25 days, your brain has been rewiring and creating stronger and stronger connections towards the behaviour you want! One moment of weakness does not undo all of that neurocognitive growth unless you stop using it. In order to avoid that trap we commonly fall into, we will have a plan in place in addition to support from me anytime you need it; whether it be encouragement or emotional support.
Finally, we will set up a schedule of check-ins that works for you so you can report your progress and talk about any bumps or problems along the way. It can be every day, every few days, every week...whichever best suits your schedule. This helps keep you accountable and it can be extremely helpful to know you've got someone unconditionally supporting and rooting for you!
How to Get Started
To get started, simply pick a time when you'd like to have your initial goal setting session and click the link below to book it.*
*All times are in EST
Once you've booked you've booked a session, just be online here at your booking time and we will initiate a chat session to hammer your your new year's resolution plan of attack! This week I am keeping my schedule very open to help anyone who is interested in taking part!
Cheers to all, and a very happy new beginning!