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Overcoming barriers...

dynamicNana536 January 3rd, 2016

I am 40 years old, I have had depression and bipolar for years. Only a handful of people know, and that in itself makes me crazy! Fighting the mood swings and pretending everything is ok with a smile on my face on the outside, while on the inside I'm going crazy and it's all I can do to keep it together. Why after all that, do we also have to hide the depression and bipolar from society? It's not contagious, they aren't going to catch it! But here we are, fighting our mental battles and society also. I want so badly to just step out of my "shamed" diagnoses and have people just understand me, us, so we don't have to feel like we have to hide our problems which in my opinion makes my moods worse!

Anomalia February 14th, 2016

@dynamicnana536 - I'm sorry that you've had to hide what you're going through for so long - you are completely right that the stigma that exists around mental illness is damaging, and frankly, unacceptable. I hope you're able to find some support and relief here in being able to be more open. There are loads of people here who want to support you. Take care, lovely!