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My mental illness is a turn off for friends and family

User Profile: SquirrellyOranged
SquirrellyOranged September 23rd, 2016

I struggle with anxiety, depression, and ocd. It manifests in pathetic neediness. I'm so anxious that I'm going to become too burdensome on the people I inflict my compulsion on (checking), which continues the cycle and makes me even more needy.

User Profile: Versatchy
Versatchy September 23rd, 2016

@SquirrellyOranged This sounds like a cycle. You get anxious -> It turns you family/friends "off" -> you get even more anxious. Rather than focusing on how your family/friends feel, cut the cord by dealing with your anxiety and other issues. They may not understand what it's like but that doesn't mean they can't support you or try to understand. You need to support to get through it.

September 23rd, 2016


" i will remember the words of that lovely essay, Desiderata: I will go placidly amid the noise and haste and remember what peace there may be in Silence. As far as possible, without surrender, i will be on good terms with all persons. .... "

(we seldom change in an instant, but usually little by little, with constant intention and attention. praise yourself for every time you manage to suceed~!)