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Ive lost all of my close friends in a couple of months, what now?

Varnsey June 29th, 2023

So long story short I lost 5 of my close friends(which is all of them) in the span of a couple of months(3-5, I don't remember precisely). I don't have any negative feelings for them and I have attempted to settle any mistakes I've made by inviting them to discuss. I've been feeling off ever since my first friend moved for college followed by my other friends starting to talk less with me. I decided to surpress my emotions until now, where I can't really surpress it anymore as we haven't officially hanged out or talked for weeks(or maybe months?) now (with any attempt of me trying to engage in a conversation being cut short). However, I don't feel anything in particular, just off in a sense. I don't have any issues with socialising, as I have already made friends(which, of course, aren't as close as before) and I'm doing well in my hobbies, skills, businesses, etc. But I can't sake off this odd feeling I've felt for quite a while now. This feeling is like that feeling you feel like when things are supposed to be normal, and yet you feel like theres something wrong. That's the closest way I can explain what I'm feeling right now. Can anyone help me understand my current situation with more depth?

Also thank you for taking your time in reading all of this. I appreciate even the very action of reading this post :D

toughTiger6481 June 29th, 2023


I am sorry you find your self in that feeling ... i understand it and been through it.

i find many time this happens people just found other items perhaps gone to school or new job etc and we slowly move away from the crowd we once had and instead hang with new people.

It is not a reflection on the person they stepped away from but maybe just different interests now. it can be frustrating as we then tend to make acquaintances instead of closer friends not willing to share much if in a bit the cycle repeats and they move on as well.