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I'm so tired .

BellusGladioli101 May 3rd, 2015

I feel like when I'm alone I don't have no one to talk to . I feel like I can't go to anybody and jus tell them what I'm feeling . So I keep it from the people I love until one they see me stressing or crying again . I don't know what to do at this point . I'm so tired trying of working myself up to try to be happy , when I'm not . Life is suppose to fun and exciting .. Right ?

hardworkingApple675 May 3rd, 2015

I feel you

isa1234 May 3rd, 2015

I'm exactly like you.. Don't worry about..

presocratics May 3rd, 2015

I'm fighting a similarbattle. On a daily basis, I strive to conjure up some sense of happiness or even just interest in life, but the gravitational pull back to a defeated sense of emptiness, futility, and despair is too powerful. I sometimes find that trying something new helps, especially if it pushes me out of my comfort zone. I tried improv recently, and though I wasn't nearly as good as the others, I was in a great mood for the rest of the night. Sometimes it has more to do with being bogged down by obligations. For instance, I might have to clean my apartment or sort through my mail before I'll begin to feel a little lighter. The pull back down into depression seems to be associated, at least for me, with returning to something known and safe. It's a warren or a cave. But I don't get replenished with new life while I'm in there. Instead, I become weaker. Depression, for me, is like a drug in this sense.

comfortzone May 3rd, 2015

What makes you keep how your feeling away from the people who love you? Is there a reason behind it? You're never alone though, remember that. That's why this app is such a great app because you have the opportunity to talk to anyone who won't judge you and who is there for you. I understand how you feel as I get these thoughts when I'm all alone before I go to bed. But then I think of the good, not the bad. The great memories I've had over the years with people I love and I suddenly want to do it all again, if not, more. Keeping myself busy with people I love has slowly made those thoughts disappear. Maybe not all at once but at least when I sleep at night I have thoughts of the wonderful day I had and nothung negative. Hope you find your peace. ❤

Skateboard231 July 8th, 2015

I'm so tired trying to fit in. I just want a friend.......