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I know what I have to do, and god damn so I have the strength to do it.

NatalieLovesYou52 March 13th, 2023

There’s been something that I need to do that’s been lingering I’m my head. I can’t do it yet, but once I get my own place, I will. For my mental health, well-being, and to set myself free of the countless years of abuse, manipulation and toxicity. To free myself of the cult that is Christianity. My plan once I get my own place, is to collect all the Bible’s I’ve ever been given in my life, and burn them all. Christians have manipulated me into thinking that if I don’t follow the Bible, I will burn in *** forever. Well now I can burn the thing that told me to burn. That will finally set me free. 99% of Christian’s I’ve interacted with were abusive, toxic, manipulative, spiteful, greedy, and hateful people. And once I can free myself of all traces of my religious past, I will be so much happier and content in my life.

ioan489 March 13th, 2023

@NatalieLovesYou52 Sistine Madona, for example, represents the supreme expression of the spiritual ideal -- what people do about that is another matter.