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Horrible habits

NeonGlass February 21st, 2023

I have this horrible habit of not doing my school work at all and now I'm failing most of my courses, I need some real help if I'm going to get my grade up better

innateJoy9602 February 21st, 2023


I’m a student myself, so I know how easy it can be to get overwhelmed and fall behind. For me, it helps to break everything down into manageable chunks. Also rewarding myself with my favorite snack afterwards helps keep me motivated! 💜

jzheng2025 February 21st, 2023

@NeonGlass If you're having difficulties completing schoolwork I would suggest having a friend there to motivate you. You can plan study sessions or just have a friend with you that will help motivate you to completing your work. The working environment is also really important. Maybe at home you might feel less motivated to do work, if that's the case you can go to a nearby café or library to complete schoolwork. Lastly awarding yourself a treat after each assignment can be a big motivation. Good luck, I hope you're able to get your work done!

BlackholeFace February 21st, 2023


Studying together with people in real life can be hard for some people. If you are like me and would prefer studying with others online, Bindr is a great platform to use. You can also find *** study servers fairly easily(I prefer Bindr but your experience might be different.)

I don't do group studying every time I study, but it certainly helps when I'm especially unmotivated and can't bring myself to get started on my work.

If you want to keep trying to work by yourself you can try out different studying methods. Not everything works for everyone, no matter how popular a method may be. For example I personally dislike the pomodoro technique but a variation of it called animedoro really fit my studying style and I was able to carry on with it for quite some time. Here's a video by Josh Chen explaining how he uses animedoro:

Another thing to keep in mind is that the ability to focus is very much like a muscle. If you can't focus for long it's not because you're incapable of it, it's because you're out of practice. Convince yourself to study for five minutes, take a five minute break. Then study for ten minutes for your next session. Lengthen your session as you start to get better at focusing, and stop when you reach a length you feel comfortable with.

There are some tips that helped me in the past, I hope they help you too. Regardless of whether they do or not, always remember that there is something out there for everyone. You're not stupid or inferior for being unable to do work as easily as others. I believe in you. Good luck!

404NF February 26th, 2023


Hii, I think you can start by setting a learning goal. For example, what assignments do I have to complete today. You can write it in a more obvious place, such as taking a post-it note and sticking it on to your desk to remind yourself. When you complete your first goal, you will become more and more motivated next time.