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Hes going to leave

powerfulMaple1852 September 22nd, 2016

u need help to stop focusing on my cheating boyfriend and when hes going to leave.

it comsumes me everyday. just like checking the phone records..

i just want to stop. focus on myself and try to be happy

Minyaa September 23rd, 2016

@powerfulMaple1852 Hi, you will definitely able to stop and you will definitely able to focus on your happiness now that your cheating boyfriend is leaving. By him leaving you will have more power and control on yourself and frankly coming here and posting this already shows how much you want things to change. You will stop checking the phone records(borrowing from your analogy) when the phone records means nothing anymore, so just wait and see because everything is going to be okay :)

September 23rd, 2016


" the need for validation is a good thing. i will give it to myself, and welcome it from others when it is offered. i am able to direct my thoughts into new channels. "