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Do you move on, or do you keep fighting?

Anton77 September 19th, 2015

I don't know if this is the right place to post this on, but I just really need some advice.. About five months ago, I started getting feelings for this actress. I've never met her, but I know a lot about her. It feels really weird to have strong feelings for someone you've never met. But what can you do? She is just amazing in so many ways.. Breathtakingly beautiful, talented, interesting, kind, smart, and unbelievably strong. Her way of life and more importantly the way she see's the world, gives me hope in a hopeless world. For the last 5 months I've been trying to get her out my head, but I just can't. I've felt this way about anyone.. So how am I suppose to move on from that? Should I move on from that? Or should I fight for it, should I take a chance? The thing is, I don't know if I could move on, knowing that she might be the best thing to ever happen to me.

carefulCity1996 September 20th, 2015

I move on from bad times, to those who are fighting for something just know it'll be over later just remember you will eventually figure a way out your problems ^_^#