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anyone else find it hard to connect?

IdeasOfReference July 29th

does anyone else find it hard to connect with other people?

it's especially difficult online, where you can't see who you're talking to and don't get nonverbal cues

IdeasOfReference OP July 29th

it's really hard

IdeasOfReference OP July 29th

it's very difficult

ThoughtLight July 30th

@IdeasOfReference yes, because I have trouble relating to most people.

IdeasOfReference OP July 30th


doesn't that make it harder to be a Listener?

or is everyone here all fake?

ThoughtLight July 30th

@IdeasOfReference no. I gain the most happiness and strongest connections to people I help. I've battled a rough road with mental illness for 17 years know. I know both sides. Connecting with others with the potential to make them feel any better creates the strongest connection of all. Here we are all going through things making it easier to relate with others here.

Punna23 July 30th

Yes, connecting online is much more difficult. But, both personal connections and online are best made when we are true to our inner being and express how we feel inside.

I have found that makes it the easiest to connect with whoever you are interacting with!

Good luck connecting in person and online!! 😊

ThoughtLight July 30th

I connect with many more people on here than in person. We will see how it goes when college starts up next month.