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anxiety after 11 pm every day

Aisha4385 November 22nd, 2023

this majorly has to do with the fact that im unemployed. but even when i was in school, whatever it is that i feel anxious about, it would hit at night time the most and i would have sleep problems. i dont have sleep problems anymore but its harder to go to bed when your heart's anxious. i get thoughts about my future. about where my life is headed. i try to distract myself with a show. or spend time with my mom but its still there. 

glisteningLight2506 November 23rd, 2023

@Aisha4385 I get it, dealing with nighttime worries is tough. Especially when it comes to thinking about the future, it can really mess with your head. Even though you try to watch shows or hang out with your mom, that anxious feeling sticks around.

Job stuff can be a big stress, no doubt. Not knowing where life is going can be super overwhelming. It's cool that you try to distract yourself, but sometimes that anxiety just doesn't budge.

Ever tried doing something chill before bed, like taking a few deep breaths or doing some light stretches? It might help calm that anxious feeling in your chest. And if it's getting too much, talking it out with someone—like a friend or family member—could be a good move.

Remember, it's totally fine to feel anxious, especially about the future. You're not alone in that. Take things one step at a time, and if those nighttime thoughts start to get too much, don't hesitate to reach out for some extra support. You're doing great!