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Why do I hate getting help

Ever just try to vent or talk to someone only for it you to say "Nevermind" that's me always...

What's wrong with me? Actually I think it came from my parents always telling me I'm a *** for asking for help at a VERY YOUNG AGE!! I *** hate them I wouldn't be surprised if most of everything that is wrong with me is because of them, Anyways uhhh I can't help myself and I don't want to get help. Makes me think why did I even made this? Idk *** I want empathy? My thoughts are confusing

toughTiger6481 July 18th


When we are told by others our things that bother us or we want to discuss are unimportant or a waste of time ...... it makes us question why we even bother.... you are NOT alone in that. 

Sometimes we are hesitant to reach out and get help because sometimes the advice or help we get is not exactly what we want to hear.....  When we ask for help or talk with others....... sometimes they may point something out we overlooked or had not seen and while in long run helpful in short term can be frustrating.   Help is something that takes time and effort to sink in not a simple fix we might want to want a instant fix instead of the process.