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Weight loss

LittleJadeFlower January 14th, 2023

I'm tired of people telling me I don't need to lose weight because I'm not trying to lose weight for them, it's for me. I'm sick of looking in the mirror and thinking, why can't I just try to not look like a manatee? Why do all the girls at school look like models and I look like the before picture? I don't do lots of exercises which I should but with homework, school, the school play, math club, and me starting work soon, I don't have much time to do it. I don't like water but I have stopped drinking soda unless it is the only provided drink. I want support but everyone thinks that that means I want them to tell me I don't need to lose weight. So... um... yeah.

toughTiger6481 January 14th, 2023


it should be for you and you decide when or how you do things.

ineedaminute January 15th, 2023


Here's an idea: find some form of sport or exercise you like to do, and keep at it!

It could be martial arts, biking, swimming, tennis, fencing, archery, anything really. Sports are a great way to get into shape (I boxed before I got into high school, and I LOVED IT) and help yourself feel better. Also, stop comparing yourself to others, comparison is the thief of joy. Be happy with who you are and find something you like to do, and never stop doing it!

pineapplepeanut January 15th, 2023


I started working out when I was in my teens or 20's. I first started using an exercise bike, and I got addicted to working out after that. It made me feel so much better and gave me such a good feeling. I did TaeBo for many decades because I enjoyed it so much. I have many of the TaeBo workout tapes and DVDs. It helped me lose about 30 pounds. It's important to find something you really enjoy yourself, then it won't seem like a boring chore to do. I also enjoy bicycling, dancing and walking as forms of working out. I really don't care for jogging or running. Joining a support group or having friends that will support you and cheer you certainly is a big help. Best of luck, you can do it! It pays to invest in yourself.

kalymmenon January 15th, 2023

@LittleJadeFlower Organization of occupations; consider what may be sacrificed, what may be replaced.

Proper nutrition; preserving a balanced diet consisting of 60% carbohydrates, 25% protein, 15% fat, along with the nutrients necessary for the proper function of the immune system. Learning how to cook foods.

Proper excercise; choosing the correct and controlled program for the desired outcome - the volume of workout and rest should be balanced.

Good luck!

MahiBurks February 2nd, 2023

It's really good you understand what you need. And it's great you want to lose weight for yourself and not for others. I can feel you worries. But don't search for excuses. If you want to get in fit, find those 30 minutes a day for exercising. Here is a great workout plan for teenagers. I'm sure you have that time you spend in your phone, for example. So put on your priorities and start working out.

NatBro2 February 2nd, 2023

i want to be friends but idk how lol

LittleJadeFlower OP April 8th


This is just an update about a year later. I go on bike rides when its warm which I really enjoy, I go to the gym a few times per week, and I am joining the track team next year. I have really bad body image issues but it's getting better. I'm still not super fit but I'm trying. thank you guys for the support and advice

mia0davis April 28th

First of all, you need to understand that when it comes to losing weight, you need it, not the people around you. For me, the most important factor has always been not so much the appearance of my body, but rather how I feel in it. To be honest, I often like to try out different healthy diets or develop healthy eating habits. Various necessary information helps me, one of them is I think that if you plan to lose weight, you need to do it wisely and with the help of trusted sources