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Trust issues

User Profile: skyraven02
skyraven02 February 11th

How do you know if you have trust issues? How do you deal with them? I had a bad marriage years ago and have always thought maybe some of the problems I have now are from that.

User Profile: jacek73
jacek73 February 11th


Hello. I believe everyone's life story and relationships history are different, so kind of "5-minutes-craft" type of advice could do more harm than good. Beside the fact that we are here to help you navigate through your own life, not to give you any specific advice...

I think that one of the main issues here might be separating "here and now" from the past. What happened in the past does not necessarily have to happen again now (or in future), with a different person and in different circumstances. However, it _may_ happen again if we don't "do our homework" connected with maybe wrong patterns we used or not the best choices we made.

Once I've read about the "5 percent rule" in relationships: that means even if your partner is bad to the bone and you're crystal clear, you take 5 percent responsibility for picking a wrong type of a partner. Also, we are all just humans, making mistakes or getting wrong assumptions sometimes.

I believe it's not only about choices, but also about how you may feel about relationships after some negative experience: insecure, vulnerable, unsafe. Sometimes understanding the reasons behind yours and someone else's behaviours in the past might be the key...