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Stress, depression and school

User Profile: marine88
marine88 October 15th, 2023

Hey everyone! 

It's my last year of highschool, and it's the most stressful one so far. I have delayed lessons that i haven't seen yet ( most of my school lessons are online ) i have so many homeworks to do yet i have no energy if i force myself to study i feel stupid because i don't understand the simplist things. I've been thinking to €nd it all since I'm a failure anyway and won't be able to do it but there's 5% of me that rejects that decision. I don't know what to do about not having the energy to study most of the days i just mindlessly scroll on social media i don't even do things that i like instead. I feel like everyone is ahead of me everyone's got better grades everyone is smarter and I'm just a failure and i should just give up. 

User Profile: Clarezg
Clarezg October 17th, 2023

@marine88 Hey Marine88. I understand senior year can be really hard. Especially at the beginning of the year with new tough classes to get adjusted to and maybe even college applications. Everything piled up at once can get overwhelming really fast. For me sometimes when I get overwhelmed I can't get anything done because there's so much to do. If that resonates with you something I like to do is split tasks into smaller pieces and complete amounts each day. I understand that with more and more new hard assignments it can be easy to fall into depression and self doubt. If you need to talk to anyone don't hesitate to reach out to a listener we are here for you!

User Profile: MiracleMagicalIdol
MiracleMagicalIdol October 19th, 2023


I understand your situation very well. It's hard for me to open up, but I won't lie that it's really difficult to keep going once there's suddenly too many responsibilities on your shoulder. I don't know how I was able to get back up a little, but in the meantime, I developed some techniques to distract my head from bad thoughts.

Firstly, I tried to find new hobbies like sports or writing to train myself physically and mentally. I'm still struggling to do it most of the time but at least there's progress. Secondly, I joined clubs and volunteered when I had the time to improve on my confidence and communication skills. This was more of a challenge because at first, I was only doing it to have good grades but over time I started enjoying doing them. Thirdly, I searched up useful school tips and would ask my classmates and teachers for help. And lastly (and I think the most important one) is resting. For this, I did have to do many last minute work but so far, getting enough sleep has helped my mind to work faster.

All of this worked really well for me, and even though it might not for you, especially because we have different experiences in life, it can give you some ideas on how to get back on track. I empathize with you. I don't like to feel like I'm behind everyone else and a complete failure. I sincerely wish all of these troubles would just end one day and leave us be. There are better, more expert talented people out there who can help you get through this, and I'm not one of them, but please don't end it now. It's almost Christmas break. Before you knew it, a new year is there to welcome you; it's not the end of the world. I hope this can help.