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Social life

User Profile: skyraven02
skyraven02 2 days ago

How do you deal with not having a social life? I talk to my kids during the day but there is only so much you can talk with kids about. There are no mom groups where I live or places to go.

User Profile: arossius
arossius 22 hours ago

I'm an online college student so I've been dealing with a similar issue. One thing I found to be incredibly helpful was to find a sort of side project or long-term goal to work towards. I feel most lonely in the quiet hours when everyone is either busy or asleep, but having something I can focus on outside of myself has honestly been a lifesaver. You get so inspired and this rush of fulfillment. And in doing so, you can also meet new people along the way. Sometimes the relationships we're looking for can appear in the smallest of opportunities. I'm wishing you the best of luck. Remind yourself that this is a transitional period for you. You will make it to the other side ❤️

User Profile: jacek73
jacek73 12 hours ago


I think it all depends what kind of social life you need. Being a mom and staying at home all days must be challenging.

Personally I've had some disappointment with attempts of social life, while the meetings were more about procedures than life, concentrated more on drinking beer than talking or barely scratching the surface of things. Nevertheless I think that is still worth trying 😊 

And what about your husband? Is it possible to have some social life together? Some evening with candles, good meal, a glass of wine and some romantic music, talking anything other than bills and daily chores? Of course, when your 4 year old is already asleep and you are still not too exhausted 😊