I love your username. xD
And this is a great question, one I have a similar answer for always. Some of my favorite smells are petrichor (yes that muddy, earthy smell), vanilla, petrol and and melted cheeeese! :p
How about you? 😄
Such an interesting question ! I love lemon scents, it has this calming effect which I use to help ease my anxiety or simply to lighten my mood :)
Smell of clean fridge and clean house✨
Such an amazing question.
I love many scents some of them are: used female ***, petrol, forest soil, books, and armpits (sometimes, depends on the person)
I like Vanilla, Pumpkin, and chocolate scents!
I just really love chcolate!
mm chocolateeeeee 😂
jasmine, fresh linen, cherry blossom, the smell of sunlight on skin and hair, chamomile blossoms, the smell of freshly fallen snow, the smell of thunderstorms. Or storms in general.
And more recently, sandalwood. I actually used to not really be a huge fan of sandalwood, but my boyfriend's shampoo has some sandalwoody notes and it has apparently rewired my brain. Ex boyfriend I guess actually. 🙃 Still not really used to calling him that.
Lavender vanilla smells like happiness to mee🤍
Coffee is my favorite!
The smell of mud after rain,
The smell of new books,
The smell of petrol. I don't know on thinking of these things makes me Happy.
So Thank you for this random Question <3
- books
- chocolate
- sweaters