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Plum and Navy's corner

navyAcai8433 May 9th, 2023

Hey @plumCup9238 it's navy and this is our little corner to chat and share about each other! Hope you like it :)

navyAcai8433 OP May 9th, 2023

@plumCup9238 my story would be too huge to share right here, but I'll tell you I'm too alone at this time, on top of going through some stress right now. I think the being alone part is the most bothersome because I'm fine most of the time, I'm coping but then later I feel sad sometimes and feel like no one is there. How have things been going for you lately? :)

navyAcai8433 OP May 10th, 2023

@plumCup9238 I'm so sorry to hear you have felt alone, and you're right about it! Pets are a huge help in these cases. Unfortunately I cannot get one now or soon, because I wouldn't be able to take care of it. I did have birds at one point, and I loved having their company with me! ❤️ Oh goodness, panic disorder doesn't sound good at all, and I understand being so paralyzed in anxiety and fear that we aren't able to do anything! That's terrible. I suffer anxiety and panic myself but I am not diagnosed so I am very careful how I word things. My best guess is I have a mix of anxiety and depression, along with adhd! But we can only be sure and certain if I get it checked. I'm really proud that you are able to step out and do as much as possible. That is so much progress! Sending healing and love 😊

navyAcai8433 OP May 10th, 2023

@plumCup9238 you're right about that plum. It's okay and valid to feel things without diagnosis either. I also understand when symptoms are too obvious. Panic has a way of flowing through our body, in waves and it can be very up and down sometimes, or you can be anxious for an entire day. It's very uncertain like that, so I empathise with you very much. I relate with you there so I truly do understand. Have you tried any ways to cope with panic and anxiety so far that has worked with you? Yes, I tried dare and one another application whose name I cannot really remember right now! They're very very helpful. For me, I also focused on eating better, trying to breathe through situations... it's still very very hard for me and it feels like the fear is rising up till my throat :( thank you for your suggestions. I'm really grateful I know someone I can relate with regarding this stuff! ♥️

navyAcai8433 OP May 11th, 2023

@plumCup9238 you are most welcome! I'm glad you tried cardio and relaxation as a way to cope :) working out has a way to help let the stress flow out of our body because anxiety just sits in our body and keeps building in there. I totally get you. It can be hard to be consistent. Yoga is also great!! Wow, I really admire that you are trying out these things for you! I have not tried either of these things but I started engaging in some outdoor actives which are also my hobbies, so how that helps me is by also allowing me to feel a little less depressed, because I am feeling too low unless I step out and make an active choice to do something for me. Even if that's just walking or something.. you know? Depression has been feeling very suffocating for me and I am not enjoying it one but like this 🙁 thank you for also saying eating healthier is a good step!! Thanks a lot! Caffeine is really terrible for my body too, and I don't remember the last time I had it. I'm committed to being a tea person forever 😭 though I didn't really know caffeine can increase anxiety levels. The reason I didn't get into a habit of it was because I see a lot of people who are kind of addicted to it and then going without it feels very difficult for them. I didn't wish to struggle with that! Do you enjoy doing anything else besides working out after you come back from work? ♥️

navyAcai8433 OP May 12th, 2023

@plumCup9238 I haven't visited a gym so far but I have restarted dance classes about a week or two back! Which has felt really good for me 😊 and yes, it's been great socialising a little bit. In where I am taking dance classes, they do very heavy warm ups. I believe the amount of time I do those warm ups is actually more than the amount of time we learn dance steps! I understand caffeine would be so bad sometimes, and I'm so sorry to hear you've not been feeling great afterwards! Its terrible that caffeine has a way of getting to us so negatively sometimes.... I haven't tried chicory, but I tried chamomile tea because I heard it's really really good for anxiety. However, it didn't do much for me 🤔 I wonder if I should have tried it more or regularly to see if there could be any effects, but I didn't find any for myself in the few times I tried. Awwww teddy coffee sounds so cute!! It does sound very kind friendly too! 😊 That reminds me, I enjoy hot chocolate very much and have been craving it recently! Glad you enjoy tea, and I must try to look for lemon grass, etc options. Haven't known these alternatives were available! That's so so amazing to hear that you are clean from smoking and caffeine. Yaaaayyy to that! ♥️♥️ . I admire you a lot for what you did! I understand you would be tired after work. That's so normal! What is the story of supernatural about? Painting sounds amazing, and soooooo cool!! I actually have never painted like that before so I do not have idea about aquarelle and number canvases etc 🙂 I'm very glad to hear about what you enjoy to do. That part was fo fun and interesting to read! In my free time, I am watching youtube videos, or listening to music. I mentioned earlier I restarted dance classes but I also began going for swimming lately! I like reading quotes and reading up on coping mechanisms, psychology, and random things like that! I also like going for walks when I can 🙂 So I have just completed my master's degree and I am looking to see what's the best option ahead of me - working, or studying another course, or both part time. Faced with so many options, it causes a lot of uncertainty for me. It's a great trigger for my anxiety and depressive feelings as well. We never know what ends up happening for me :) what do you do for a living? ♥️

navyAcai8433 OP May 12th, 2023

@plumCup9238 that's awesome to hear! Did you enjoy hip hop? Even swimming is a full workout, I think! So both have been quite helpful for me. It's a great idea to join dance classes again ♥️ I am learning contemporary mainly, though a bit of hip hop included too :) aahh, I am totally opposed to horror movies! I admire that you are able to watch them and find them funny where it is funny but we are completely different there 🥺 have you watched other horror movies like Annabelle and such? I avoid them like plague! Sounds like I have heard of painting by numbers :) it sounds easy, sounds like one can get started like that. I am very much into pop music, that's my favorite genre! I am open to listening to all kinds of music though. My song choices are primarily fast paced, upbeat kind! What kind of music do you enjoy? :) Psychology books sound very interesting, I haven't had the chance to read any. I started reading "the maid" by Nita Prose, I'm in chapter 2 so far. It's a very thrilling story, considering you like probably a bit of horror and suspense you may enjoy reading it 😊 thank you for your good wishes! I believe the same, no one can take your knowledge away from you! Your granny is so wise and so correct! Thank you for sharing her words with me ♥️♥️ it causes me a lott of anxiety right now. I spend days feeling like, "oh my god what's next" but also "why even bother when nothing will ever work out?" I can try making that list, it's a good idea! Graphic designer sounds really good! How long are you working this job? I understand wanting a change! I am myself in a season of change and uncertain right now. Sorry to hear there aren't many job opportunities! What job would you have liked to do, if there were options available? IT is a great subject! Is that your specialisation and have you studied any other subjects besides that?