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Never feeling good enough

SpongeBear30 September 21st, 2023

I’ve struggled my whole life with feeling like I’ve never been enough or like nothing I do is enough. I’ve always felt second place in everything. I don’t know what to do to finally get over that feeling. It’s so hard and sometimes I wonder why I’m still struggling with it. I can’t keep doing this to myself it’s eating me up inside. Can’t continue to feel like a failure.I just want to be happy and free

Tinywhisper11 September 21st, 2023

@SpongeBear30 aww bless you. That sounds tough, have you spoke to a doctor/health professional about this?

intuitiveCucumber88 September 21st, 2023

I feel the exact same way. It's like nothing I do is ever good enough and people have to come behind me and clean or redo what I did. I try so much and get overwhelmed because it's so hard to do everything and then still be ok with yourself. It doesn't give you time to think or regroup before getting attacked again for not doing something right, or not fast enough. And the others don't realize it just makes you feel so worthless, unwanted, cause if there's so many problems like that why would you want to be a part of me if you have so many issues? Does the good really outweigh all of the bad you point out o do?

toughTiger6481 September 21st, 2023


Have you thought it is not you but others... for example people approach doing things in a different manner if they all end up with same or similar results ......why should it matter how they did it.

Perhaps you have been nitpicked by someone .......who thinks their way is always the correct.

After being told you did whatever wrong or not quite they way they wanted you to........ some people shut down they do not want to try it or do item again... and NOT willing to learn the other persons way.

That is Not a flaw on you....... but a problem others have .........with control or perfectionism that is just not achievable. No one should be keeping score on themselves to feel in second place ...

Themaninblackxxx September 22nd, 2023


Happy and free? What does that mean?

I used to travel, no possessions, no ties - I just wanted to be happy and free. It was never truly satisfying

Maybe you need success?

I mean, instead of wishing you didn't feel that you aren't good enough then maybe you can accept your limitations and work towards being successful at something - whatever that is

spongbobishappy September 23rd, 2023


SpongeBear (We share the same member name !) 😊

I am inviting you to join me in The Sharing Circle group on ! 😊