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Im so done with doctors

JoanaSM123 May 21st

A bit of a chronic pain vent

Im so damn angry at every one of them i hate them i just hate them. I hate my stupid pain ‘specialists’ and their fake god damn empathy and their stupid smiles and stupider, diminishing sugestions and refusal to accept reality that im f***ing disabled and in pain every god damn day and i need assisted living that she wont authorize or even let me get on disability. 

And her stupid smiles and cheery voice that when my mom had to email her because of the amount if debilitating pain i was in her response to me today was ‘so your mom said you where in a bit of pain the last time yeah?" Like what the ***? I wasnt able to sleep and i was crying the whole damn night wanting to not be alive but sure i was in "a bit of pain". I wish most doctors could drown in the pain they cause their patients. Im so angry and sad and i want them to pay but i know they will never care, none of them ever do…

pineapplethief77 May 25th

OMG yes, I totally feel this. I also have chronic pain issues that prevent me from working, and the strain on my family and myself is insane. I had a doctor refuse to give me an epidural for pain relief because he thought the bulging discs in my neck were carpal tunnel. It was so hard not to look that man in the face and say "Ah. Yes. Carpal tunnel. The carpal tunnel you get in your neck. Of course." Honestly, IDK how some of these people live with themselves brushing patients off like they do. 

Hang in there, friend. You're not alone in this awful and frustrating journey. It sounds like your mom is on your side, at least! <3