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How to deal with rejection

User Profile: pluckyCurrent3236
pluckyCurrent3236 September 25th, 2024

Hi everyone 👋 I'm new here and just wanted to rant and maybe find someone who feels this way. I'm an idiot who gets attached to people very quickly and then tries and tries to make them like me. I will scour the internet to find jokes and memes they'd like, I'd always be available whenever they need me, I'd make them laugh, I'd hype them up. My efforts are usually so insane that my life pretty much always takes a backseat. Meanwhile my brain is continuously telling me they don't like you. They want you to go away. If they laugh at my jokes they're pitying me, if they take too long to text they're trying to get me to go away on my own. I'm ashamed of how much I try. And simultaneously I can't stop trying. I feel so alone! Mostly these people call me only when they need something and i ALWAYS pick up. Every night I pray someone somewhere remembers me, i cry myself to sleep and it's killing me. I feel like I'm screaming and noone can hear me. Does anybody else struggle with this pathological need for affection? This abject loneliness? If so how did you guys deal with it? Please help me.

User Profile: BrynElea
BrynElea September 28th, 2024

Hi... you are not an idiot. You mentioned about brain above...maybe start from there.

 "The mind is a wonderful servant but a terrible master."Â