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Feeling lonely and scared to reach out

cyanPlane9770 August 31st, 2023

TW: loneliness/social anxiety

I feel like I need to reach out sometimes and talk out my feelings, but whenever I consider it I just feel like I'm being a burden and whining about small problems that shouldn't be bothering me so much. I often feel alone, and wish a friend, or just someone would listen but I doubt any of the few online friends I have would listen, and if they did I'd probably be too shy to talk about it anyways. I'm sorry for being negative, sorry I hope this post isn't too negative, thx for reading <3

AmyMir6 August 31st, 2023

@cyanPlane9770 hello there! I read your post and let me tell you that I feel like you are in the right place. It can be stressful to open up to others and we might think we are just boring them or being too much to deal with.

But this is an app where we have listeners that are able to listen and support members! So don't feel scared of opening up and reaching out for help.

Take care💜

willingVase6638 September 1st, 2023

Sometimes we just need to let it out. Ur doing a great job reaching out it can be scary, but take your time. 😊