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Fakeness 😇, self loathing 😏, shallow emotion😱, imitation 🤥. Are they signs of HPD?

TrueSky May 28th, 2023

Just come across this term HPD.

I have heard of BPD but HPD is a new thing to me, anyone knows?

They said this are the symptoms.


This is an article of it with more information:

LostTurtle2 June 3rd, 2023


My wife has it, so I know it. Colorful life (including lots of black), or better said, a lot of rollercoaster...

TrueSky OP June 6th, 2023

@LostTurtle2 must be hard to live with 😔

Lou73 June 3rd, 2023

Hey @TrueSky, we have a personality disorders sub-community and there is more info on HPD here: Hope this helps :)

TrueSky OP June 6th, 2023

@Lou73 thanks for the link ! 😃