20k+Cheers How does the Cheers thing work ?
How does the choose system work do you get one cheer per conversation or did they give you a rating of maybe 5 or 10 please let me know as I'm confused thank you.
Kristina xx
Hiya @Imprezzza in simple terms, cheers are the rewards for being active in the community, in various ways.
We can earn cheers for a lot of activities here. Some listed on this page- https://www.7cups.com/listener/training/points/
Other times, when you participate in any community initiative, there may be cheers awarded for participation also!
For instance, every time you submit an appreciation for yourself or any peers here through the peer appreciation form, you'll earn 20 cheers!🥰
Program information- https://www.7cups.com/forum/gratitude/AppreciationProgram_2310/PeerAppreciationProgram_262230/?post=3711728