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Seriously Need A Listener Who Can Be There

LainaghStory March 27th, 2016

I would really like to have a listener that I can talk to at least every other day. The majority of time I chat about what happen to me in past or how I'm feeling. It's usually not about one specific thing. Sometimes I may want to chat to share some of good things in my life or because I want to get to know you. At times I may talk for a few minutes or I may talk for an hour. If you're too occupaid to chat then please let me know. I understand that you may be busy so I don't mind scheduling time to talk or communicating through messages.

I'm 18 and have been suffering from depression for about 10 or more years now. I also had experienced sexual truama four years ago. This year is the first year I'll be taking care of my mental health. I'm not comfortable with opening up to my family about my depression. I'm not in a position at the moment to get a therapist. However I know I can't get through this alone. I will be so grateful to anyone that can lend me their ear.

- Thank you in advance.

Livingthantheaverage79 March 27th, 2016

@cristiana33 Here to talk anytime you feel like. :)

cristiana33 March 27th, 2016


Thank you for your kindness. As mentioned to the other Member, if you want to support someone else you need to create a Listener account. :) Members cannot message each other.

Livingthantheaverage79 March 27th, 2016

@cristiana33 Thank You so much but how exactly is it that I do that?