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I need a listener

User Profile: theblacksheep
theblacksheep August 30th, 2014

I'm been trying to find a listener for teens that can help on passive suicide ideation. It's very deep for other teen listeners. So yup, if you're a teen listener and would like to help, please leave a message here so I can contact you.

User Profile: EchoHawke
EchoHawke September 1st, 2014

I'll give it a shot, although, I'm not quite sure what you're looking for.
-Echo Hawke

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User Profile: theblacksheep
theblacksheep OP September 1st, 2014

Hey echohawke, it says that you can chat with only adults (over 18). I can't contact you. But thanks for the offer anyway.

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User Profile: Miracle
Miracle September 1st, 2014

We are not really supposed to talk to members about any issues relating to suicide including suicidal thoughts because they can quickly turn into actions and in addition to this we do not have the same training as the hotlines, while I do not know what country you are coming from so I cannot give you a hotline right now I do have a few links that might help.

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User Profile: Miracle
Miracle September 1st, 2014

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User Profile: Miracle
Miracle September 1st, 2014

it is also worth being aware that hotlines do not just deal with people in a crisis and you are able to get in touch if you are having thought without the intent to act on them.I know this is hard and we are all here for you , but it is for your safety and wellbeing that I have to recommend this course of action.

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User Profile: Irene1
Irene1 September 5th, 2014

"There are gradations of suicidal thinking. People with a plan and a means are at the most risk. i..e, they know how they want to hurt themselves and they have a way to do it. People with only a plan or means are less at risk. People with just thoughts, but no plan are a step further down. People with fleeting thoughts are a step further down from there.

We have many people use the site that are just in the fleeting or thinking part of the process. They check the box that indicates that they are not suicidal to use the service. In many instances, they are not actively suicidal. They are looking for emotional support and we can provide that for them. "

So if you have suicide ideation and no actual intent, we can speak to you, but we have to give you the appropriate resources as soon as you do have intent :)

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User Profile: Miracle
Miracle September 20th, 2014

@!reneI have to disagree here.We live in a world where the means of ending a life are effectively at our fingertips every second of everyday.(unless people are being taken away from them for their own safety).So anyone with suicidal thoughts is at risk, as for planning I feel you are ignoring the fact that many suicides happen on impulse when a situation changes quickly.So I think the sites policy on this is a clear no including for suicidal thoughts if they come up in a conversation.

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User Profile: Apple74
Apple74 September 20th, 2014

@Miracle. I agree with your point that suicides are impulsive.

A person is depressed with a thought and at times when they see no solution they think about ending their life. Now if a person is traveling and thinking about suicide there is a chance they will use trains etc as a means.

But if a person is asking for help on the issue i.e. they wish to overcome these feelings or they want to talk to someone about it, I feel we can talk to them.

At times guests come to you with their problem an give you ideas. That is the time you refer them.

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User Profile: Miracle
Miracle September 20th, 2014

@smile2900 in terms of 'overcoming' these thoughts rather than having intent I feel it would be better to suggest they investigated the options for professional help, rather referring to a suicide hotline.I realise this is not a that is open for everyone but I think that working on ways to overcome them crosses the line from being their 'listener' to acting as their therapist and has the potential to be even more dangerous if you are not sucessful in doing so, because you risk preventing them from reaching out to people in their lives who may be able to help on a practical and everyday level, such as family and close friends.

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