Depression support
I need someone to talk to, I need someone to help with getting through things. I have a therapist but she is not giving me any other suggestions than all of the basics ones ( Grounding, mindfulness, distraction). I have depression and anxiety. I am also on medication.
@blueWater3982 Whats goin on?
Husband got into a car accident and totalled our car we don't have any money for rent or diapers or food even I have a tooth abscess and can't get to the dentist depressed and anxiety is in full force.
@bluewater3982 That all sound so stressful for sure. Don’t know where you are but are you able to ask for government help? What about any friends or relatives who could help you out or borrow money from? Are there charities you can contact for diapers? Any free meals being offered in your community from a non profit or church?
hi, you can talk to me, also, you started this on my birthday, july 21st!
Hi I’m also extremely depressed maybe we can help each other