This or that?
Choose between this or that, and then put another this or that in your comment for the next person! I will start with:
forum or chat ?
Chocolate cake for sure!
Watch or bracelet?
bracelet, i think lol
spontaneous or planned?
(I would have to say spontaneous myself lol)
@sunnySky5393 This is like the J vs P on the MBTI test
I know this is a strange one but what the heck
.bad mañners or body odour
@lazyKatz that is tough!!!! Bad manners. Ill throw up with bad smells too long
.. depends. But honestly, body odor, probably.
Strawberry or grape jelly?
Lemon or lime?
Posters or Paintings
Being in a crowd or with one person
Hug please 🤗
This or That?
River or Stream?
promotion or vacation?
Family recipes without the dash of this and pinch of that
hiking or shopping?