This or that?
Choose between this or that, and then put another this or that in your comment for the next person! I will start with:
forum or chat ?
definitely humanities
Movies or Tv series?
Ohhh that's a tricky one... I guess tv series - they last longer. Plus, I love Timeless
the same dream every night or the same weather every day?
Same dream every night
Only every smelling one scent or only ever feeling one texture?
Only every smelling one scent
Rich and lonely or poor and happy
Poor and happy
Apples or oranges?
Airplane or submarine
Bath or shower?
Spring or fall?
Top of the world but one special but with good friends
No one special with good friends
Birds singing every morning or wolves howling every night?
Forgot to answer the last question I'll say birds singing
A nice cuddle or a nice curry
Nice cuddle
Water or earth?