This topic is about short riddles, because not everyone likes to do the larger logical puzzles. If you do like those, then click here.
If you've guessed the riddle, you can immediately post another one yourself. Let's keep it going.
I will start with this riddle:
What is easy to get into, but hard to get out of?
What word is depicted below?
Looks like water (H20). I don't know about the c in front though...
Moslt likely Carbon... CH20. However, I don't know what that is in English.
You have almost got it! What kind of water could 'c' be?
The clue to it is somehow in the fact that it's listing the alphabet in order, except missing the defg. that's as far as i figured out hours ago, but can't make that last leap. if anyone can use this info to leapfrog to the answer, more power to ya! my brain is kaput!
What can be swallowed, but can also swallow you?
My overwhelming feelings...
What can you make out of the image below?
I am one simple word, but I mean different things
One of my meanings brings great forceful swings,
The other of me, may have curve, like the first...
But only one meaning can help quench a thirst.
One of my meanings will often bring cheers,
Either of them could hold a few beers.
I can see you, but you cannot see me.
John Cena?
Could it be Mountain
In retrospect I think this rebus is a little bit more unclear than all the previous ones. But you are absolutely right, it's mountain!
@DarkWolf I saw it as M on ten and just put it together. Looked simple and was surprised no one else got it before me.
I love these posts. Really get you thinking and takes my mind off some of the other things going on in my life. Thank you so much.